Dancing With Himself

Dec 16, 2020 00:10

Title: Dancing With Himself
Gifter: the_rant_girl
Giftee: blackrabbit42
Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Word count/Medium: Fic - 1890
Rating: Teen and Up
Warnings: N/A
Summary: Can't a man dance around his own kitchen in peace? Jensen and Jared are firefighters. Jensen needs to decompress after a gruelling shift.

Author's Note: I le do not know. I hope that you like this, hon, and I hope that you have the best possible Christmas that you can.


genre: first kiss, kink: panties, character: jared padalecki, character: danneel harris ackles, fandom: cwrpf, genre: slash, character: jensen ackles, character: jeffrey dean morgan, genre: au, genre: angst, character: genevieve cortese padalecki, medium: fic, pairing: jensen/jared

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