Title: The Sound of Silence
Characters: Dean, Sam, John
Rating: PG (for angst)
Word Count: 100
Summary: After Mary died speaking didn't seem that important, until it was. But it wasn't the last time Dean lost his voice.
A/N: Unoriginal title is unoriginal. I am posting this now and only here because even although it was inspired by the
spn_bigpretzel DEW
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so like:
“What’s the matter, kiddo?”
"You killed my friend."
"Dean. She was a ghost. You can't be friends with a ghost, son. She would have hurt you, or someone else eventually. I had to put her to rest."
Tears running down Dean's cheeks, because Sally was a good ghost, and he knows she would never have hurt him. And he wants to yell it at his Dad, but he doesn't want John yelling at him. Dean drops his father’s gaze, he wasn’t going to look at him anymore.
"Go play with your brother."
Dean stamps his feet as he storms off.
heh and re: the backstory, Sammy is always the one Dean will come back for :) whether that be physically or emotionally ♥♥
I like that theory too, and well I enjoyed Ghost Whisperer for the first couple of seasons, I think I missed the last 2 seasons, I dunno lol, I think I stopped before it went downhill lol haha
But yeah there has to be good spirits. Like when I'm watching The Walking Dead, I always feel like there should be at least one of them who is immune to the whole zombie business, lol but I don't think I'm gonna get to see that lol
Also re Sammy - YES!
What if we killed things that didn't deserve killing? You know? I mean, the way Dad raised us...
And Dean being friends with a ghost would freak him out, and he would be concerned for Dean's safety. But yeah it still doesn't make things any better for Dean. John should have hugged him, comforted him. And John would probably mentally kick himself for it after.
But he finds Dean, with Sammy sitting between his legs, one arm held tight around him as he reads to his baby brother.
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