Title: The Happiest Christmas Tree
Characters: Jensen/Danneel/Jared
Rating: G
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 409
Summary: Written for as one may imagine Christmas. It just popped into my head and had to be done lol. Hope you guys like it. Christmas sweaters. Jensen's not a fan but Jared and Danneel aren't having it.
Jensen was sitting on the couch reading his book, his reading glasses slightly crooked, he was just very nearly almost ready to turn the page when a red woollen object was dropped on top of his hands from behind him. Jensen sighed. Looking up at Jared who was standing before him on the other side of the coffee table and then tilting his head back to look up at Danneel over the back of the couch.
"It's time to go. Put it on," Danneel said rather annoyingly enthusiastic.
"I'm not wearing that." Jensen said definitively.
"Jensen c'mon," Jared mock pouted, "Don't be a Scrooge."
Danneel just rolled her eyes as she moved round the couch, tugging Jared along with her so that they could ambush Jensen together. Danneel picked the sweater back up, and Jared snatched the book out of Jensen's hands, "Jensen we can't go to our boyfriend's mother's house without wearing the sweaters she so lovingly made for us," Danneel said laying the sweater over Jensen's lap, design side up, "What's wrong with it?"
Jensen just cocked his brow at her.
"Well," Jared said, "We're wearing ours. So you have to wear yours. Right, Danni?"
"That's right, Jare-bear," Danneel said making her nose crinkle in that smushy lovey dovey way as she leaned across Jensen to kiss Jared. The two of them grinning their faces off like a couple of lunatics.
"Yeah well yours look at least half-way like they're supposed to be worn by adults," Jared's was green with a candy cane on it, and Danneel's was blue with Rudolph, "Mine-..." Jensen sighed dropping his head before looking back down at the felt embellishment with the smiley face, "Why do I have to have the cutesy one?"
"Because you're the grumpy little Christmas tree who needs to be reminded that it's okay to smile?"
Jensen flipped Danneel off shaking his head, but he stood up tugging the sweater over his head, "Happy?"
Jared and Danneel shared a look and then went back to staring at Jensen's jeans-clad ass.
"It'll do for now," Jared said as he got to his feet.
"Ba humbug," Jensen said flatly, making them snort together.
"Merry Christmas to you too," Danneel said bumping Jensen's arm with her shoulder as she joined them.
Jared squeezed Jensen's ass as he leaned in for a kiss, "Thanks, man," he said softly before giving Jensen a small spank, "Last one to the car's a rotten egg."