I get the tingles in a silly place

Aug 13, 2011 00:50

Title: I Get The Tingles In A Silly Place
Characters: Jensen, Jared
Rating: G
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 456
Summary: Inspired by a drabble written by the awesomely amazing writinginsecret, my Kat, in which there was Jared fondling and destroying yet another mic, lol. Just some (hopefully) schmoopy con fun.

They’re back stage now in some room or other. Just the two of them. Jared is on his phone to Jensen can’t quite decide on who. But it doesn’t matter. Jensen’s mind is back on stage. A secret smile creeps its way back across his lips, tugging at his heart. Jared and his goddamn hands. He’s never been able to keep them still.

Jensen shook his head, slowly extending his arm out to Jared, proffering his mic. But Jared is too slow, Jensen snatches it back before he even had a chance of grasping it. Jensen holds the mic right up to his mouth, “You’re not getting anywhere near my mic,” and his voice is almost dead serious. Almost. Except for that note of affection that doesn’t get missed by a single set of ears in the place. The room erupts in giggles. Followed closely by cooing which Jensen knows means that Jared is making the most obscenely butthurt puppy face.

It really should be illegal. Just like that full bark of laugh, that Jensen knows starts from somewhere deep down in his soul. It was joy in its purest form, which was how he liked to think of Jared.

Jensen cocks his brow looking from Jared to the sea of fans, licking his lip as he shakes his head again, he sighs in mock defeat, “Yeah ok. Fine,” and he gets up dragging his chair closer to Jared’s so that they can share. Jared immediately wraps his paw round Jensen’s hand.

The ghost of it makes him quiver. And if it was at all humanly possible Jared’s fidgeting had only gotten worse after that, if the tussling that followed was any proof.

Jensen manages to hold Jared’s arms off just long enough to say, ”Did you just bitch slap me?” before the mic is again wrestled from his hand, and Jared stands up holding the mic high above his head and out of Jensen’s reach. Jensen gets up too and they share a look. They both know that it wouldn’t actually take much for Jensen to grab the thing from his hand. But Jensen plays along anyway, throwing his leg up and making as if he’s going to climb Jared, snatching at the air with both hands as Jared stands up on his tippy toes. Jensen shakes his head, “This is the thanks I get,” only those closest hear him.

“Earth to Jensen.”

Jared’s hand is what pulls Jensen out of his thoughts, and that makes him smirk.

“What?” Jared asks, and he looks like he really wants to know, which of course only makes his smirk wider.

“Here,” Jared says it softly as he hands the mic back to Jensen.


“That’s it folks.”

character: jared padalecki, fandom: cwrpf, genre: gen, genre: schmoop, character: jensen ackles, medium: fic

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