I really should post here more often. I feel like I’m in limbo right now and it’s hard to motivate myself to do anything productive, despite having many things I could be doing. I’m still working part-time and not particularly enjoying it, and I’m trying to make a decision between getting another full-time job that pays well but has nothing to do with costuming (if I can even find one) or trudging blindly forward into the costume world and struggling to make money. :/
I’m beginning to think costume construction might not be the best career choice right now. A lot of theaters are experiencing economic troubles (aren’t we all?) and are relying on volunteers to do what they might usually pay someone to do. Here’s the sad thing: most of these volunteers are better seamstresses than I am. Most are my parents’ age or older, and they’re bored housewives with years of sewing experience who just want something fun to do, so they help out with a costume shop for free. Meanwhile, poor saps like me can’t get a goddamn job. It really sucks. :(
The situation is probably very different in the film industry (I can’t imagine movie studios rely on volunteer work very often), and I’ve given some thought to moving to LA, but you definitely shouldn’t do that without having a job first…so further investigation is needed.
I’ve thought about working as a dresser, since they get paid a lot better than stitchers (which is utterly ridiculous, but oh well)…problem is, professional dressers have no life. When I did My Fair Lady I met a man who dressed professionally for Phantom of the Opera the whole five years it was in San Francisco, and apparently he had no free time EVER, and barely any holidays. I don’t know if I want to go that route. I’m sure there are professional dressers in the film industry, and that their hours are probably different…I’m curious to know how you find information about those jobs, but apparently my Google-Fu is weak because I can’t find anything nevermind, I found
their union. I’ll probably need to network with other costume people to see if they know anybody who knows anybody. Hmmm.
Aaaanyway. Topic change…Mike and I had a really interesting conversation about how we both consider ourselves nerds, yet we hardly ever read any books. We both agreed this was pretty sad. I have a terrible habit of starting books and never finishing them, even if I’m enjoying them (apparently I get distracted with other forms of entertainment way too easily). In the past I’ve made several New Year’s resolutions to read more often, but nothing ever came of it. So we both agreed we would try to read one book every week. I’m failing already, because I stupidly chose to start out with Stephen King’s “The Stand,” which is a) big enough to be used as a goddamn doorstop, and b) a little difficult to get into, because the first 11 chapters have been nothing but character introductions. Still, it’s fun to see how much this book influenced the writers of LOST…every chapter I think “Aah, there’s the Claire! And hey, there’s the Charlie, drug habit and everything!” I keep waiting for an angsty doctor to show up and start crying. *snerk*
I made up a list of books I own but never finished reading (tragically long), books I borrowed from friends and never returned (oops), and books I’d like to read once I’m finished with the books in the first two lists. I have a LOT of reading to do, guys. *faints*