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Jan 15, 2009 17:02

So, after helping fix costumes for Iolanthe during the past month, I finally bothered to listen to the soundtrack. The only other Gilbert & Sullivan operetta I know is The Pirates of Penzance, and all I can remember of that show is how utterly ridiculous it is...Iolanthe is ridiculous too, but it's such a clever little show! The soundtrack I have features all the dialogue from the show as well as the music, and as I listened to it on my iPod while working today, I was surprised by how genuinely funny the show is. The stupidity of politicians, women in government, very subtle sexual humor (Victorian era, remember!), and two Lords of Parliament who both decide not to fight over a girl because their friendship is too important. (Riiiiiiiiiiiight. Even my supervisor was like, "Those guys are a little bit gay." XD) And I never realized "Love Unrequited Robs Me of My Rest" is from this show! I've loved Mandy Patinkin's version of that song for some time now. How awesome. :D

I think I ought to find the soundtrack to Pirates and give it another listen...I can't remember the plot or anything, and I get the feeling I wasn't paying close enough attention before to notice whether that show is good or not. I should track down The Mikado as well...I avoided that one because it takes place in Japan, but a westerner's idea of Japan during the late 19th century, so everything is blatantly inaccurate. Lamplighters last production was The Mikado, and the director told me it's not so much a story about Japanese people, but rather a mockery of British society disguised in kimonos. So maybe I should give it a try. I do love that song "Three Little Maids from School Are We." Gets in my head like CRAZY.

iolanthe, gilbert & sullivan

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