Well I'll be damned, LJ actually fixed a mistake quickly for once; the popular interests filter has been
removed, although they haven't provided an explanation for their actions yet.
I'm still planning to set up an InsaneJournal account. I'll continue to use my LJ, and I'm already prepaid for this account for several months...but when it comes time to pay again, I don't think I will. And then my LJ will become infested with ads - because that's how stupid this website is now.
Anyhoo...I'm housesitting over spring break, and there's no wireless at their house, so I won't be online too much. I'm taking care of two very cute black kitties...and it's a damn good thing they're cute, because otherwise I would have killed them by now -- they keep crying at my bedroom door when I'm trying to fall asleep, then waking me up at 5:30am for breakfast. I haven't been getting much rest the past couple of nights. *_*
I can't tell if I'm sick of if I have allergies -- I've never had allergies before, but I'm sneezing like crazy and I feel like shit. I'm honestly hoping it's just a cold...because I do NOT want allergies, damn it. -_-;;