Wow, that was awesome.
Here I am, trying to decide if I want to cosplay a certain character or not (cosplaying said character means showing a certain amount of skin, and thus exercise is a requirement), and two days ago I found the perfect pair of boots for $40...and what happens?
Today the boots go on clearance for $20. And I buy them at the drop of a hat. It must be a sign from the heavens...I have to cosplay
Faye Valentine. (That was the best head-to-toe picture I could find of her, without her looking like a total hoochie mama. I think the art book illustrators like her a little too much.)
So now I don't have an excuse. I have to start going to the gym regularly again. Back to the spin bikes! Get that tooshie in shape!!
Her costume actually isn't all that difficult to make from what I can tell (HAHA I KNOW HOW TO DRAFT PATTERNS NOW), so I might also be able to cosplay
Misato from Evangelion this year, if I manage my time well. Here's hoping. :P