The Obligatory Birthday Post

Mar 23, 2008 12:48

Borrowing from Paramore, "for a pessamist, I'm pretty optimistic."

This will be the second year my birthday has turned out completely wrong, but I'm hoping that something at the end of the day will make it all worthwhile. And even if it doesn't, it's still my birthday and it is simply a day in my life.

It's pretty funny how I used to love my birthday. Not for the presents, but the fact that I'd be getting older, wiser... And accomplish something. Now... It feels as if I've lived my life already and nothing I've done amounts to anything. For fucks' sake, I'm going to art school, and everything I've done just feels like... Mediocre. That nothing I do is my own. It doesn't say anything about me. I simply feel like a student, not an artist... Or an animator.

I just don't feel as if my life is worth much anymore. I don't feel as if I'm much of anything... Sure... The art students here talk about all their big plans, and some of them DO something, but me? Me... I just... I talk a lot, and I start, but I'm nowhere near the finish. I don't know when I'll reach the finish.
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