This has really been pissing me off and I just have to get it off my chest.
*Takes a deep breath before the all mighty nagging*
Why do people that you consider to be good friend suddenly stop talking to you when someone opens their hart and soul for them, aka fall in "love". (I think I did a good job at making that sound emo)
I don't care if that person is the big she- or he-male in their life and they just can't breath without having their human-like oxygen tank, a whole nation won't be destroyed if they give us a ring.
When ever I'm with a men I tell him that my friends were there first so they'll always be first! It isn't that hard it's even call being polite and respectful or is that some alien-language to them?
Oh and why does that person think that it's okay to give me a ringer after months of no connection just to inform me that he or she got dumped and now I'm suppose to be there for them, I'm sorry if I sound like Frosty The Snow Bitch but please, if you don't call or at least send me a message then you can just visit your deceased relatives and go chick flick on them, I have no interest in having month-to-month friends or in Icelandic: Já, nei takk
That's all I have to say oh and here's a picture I drew, it's a little big but what are you going to do about it? ^_^
*soon to be coloured (soon as in when ever I feel like it)*