(no subject)

Sep 27, 2017 12:40

Настуня готується до шкільної олімпіади з англійської мови. Їм дали зо два десятки різних тем, підготувати розповідь/твір. Першою темою, на яку Настуня вирішила написати есе, виявилась "Things I used to do". І вона вихлюпнула на папір усі враження цього літа, часом болісні, але й радісні теж.
І не важливо, що насправді ця сповідь не зовсім відповідає темі. Найважливіше зараз для неї - оцей катарсис, який дозволить їй жити далі після переосмислення й прийняття змін.

Things I used to do

Life, in my opinion, is an extremely tricky thing. Because it is actually all about changes. Not only of those which happen in the world, like climate changes, or in the society, like relations between different countries. But about the ones that occur very locally like changes in small communities or even the ones that happen to a single person.

For example, one day you may find a new friend or lose an old one, you can find new hobbies, discover something other unexpected, try a new route to the place where you used to go differently. Both good and bad things can happen, so the life can seem to be a lot like rolling the dice: sometimes you can have some influence on it and sometimes you can't.
Throughout all my life I had little of major changes. Year after year it seemed to be all the same, until this summer. For example, this very summer I went to four European countries. I've learned a lot about new for me cultures, tried traditional food and seen many interesting places. Later this summer I went to a camp. Not like it's a first time I do so but you have to know that to understand what I'm gonna say later.
Before this summer there were very few people I could call friends. Fut in a camp I found lots of new ones. And not forgetting about them, this summer I used Metropolitan for the first time. And it was all for meeting my newfound friends. So now, I can go as far as the Underground railway goes and all due to that amazing camp and those by all means special people.
Also, because of them, I started attending an English school "GreenCountry". I only went to their camp before, but those people, who were one old boss of GreenCountry inspired me with their great speaking skills and vocabulary.
So this summer I changed my life a lot, or maybe it actually changed me, but, anyway I am grateful for all the new experiences I had.


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