Oct 13, 2005 15:08
Well, yesterday my eyesight was crap. Then I wandered into a clinin in Edgbaston and after dully lightening my bank account to the sum of £3000, I walked out with much better vision.
So, now I can read second line up on the opticians chart and apprantly my vision might improve more over the next few days. Anyway, good enough to drive and do most things, so I'm happy.
But, it was the singularly most unpleasant experience in my life. Not so much painful (your eyes are aneasthetised) or nauseaous (some might mind the slight armoa, but it's not that bad) but damn is it disconcerting. I'll not go into details because some wont appreciate that, but it was easily at least twice as unpleasant as anything I've ever experienced before - and I'd happily take any of the painful experiences I've had in my life over it.
Though not regretting it at all. In fact it's pretty darn fantastic and I'd recommend it to any one who has even thought about having it done - how I fare in the next few months will settle my opinion.
Right now, eyes are mostly fine. Tired and blinking a lot, but that's it. Left eye apparently has picked up a slight inflammation so I need to keep with the antinflammatory drops a bit longer but nothing vision threatening.
Oh, and bright lights are a bother, but that's usual for the first week.
Right, back to your usual LJ silence.