Jun 19, 2003 12:37
Well, my life appears to beginning to suck less.
Last month/month and a half has not been good for me, seemed I got a years worth of bad stuff happening all at once. Even my normally unsupressable was begining to break under the strain.
Anyway, since last Friday my life seems to have taken an up turn.
Last week ended with the results of the pay round. Didn't put me in a happy, happy, joy, joy state but didn't send me into a tailspin either.
Then spent the weekend at Notts, which was nice. Spent far too much time on mindless violence with kowt, which was cool. Won the Warlord tournament on Sunday, which was cool as I hadn't actually won one in ages and this was against some of the best players in the country. Got lots of snackies that I needed.
Unfortunately, Jake had his car broken into so wasn't up to me going round as originally planned. Which was a downer as I haven't spoken to him properly in ages. Still, spent more time with kowt instead!
And have been talking more to Jake over MSN during the week so that's cool.
Monday was a brief down turn when I ran a Tourney in Worcester but sat out due to not wanting to make the numbers odd. Very dull evening compounded by not feeling well at all after a spur of the moment descion to try a different meal at the pub. Still, barely stopped me.
Tuesday was going to be D&D, but had to be postponed due to two of the guys being unavailable. Suited me as wasn't sure I had completely written down everything relevant if they'd picked up the pace and whistled through the session (unlikely as hell, but you never know). I always like to be completely certain of at least one session ahead, but hadn't got round to detailed planning of the one after the next 1 1/2 yet...
So instead I prepared the house for the imminent arrival of Chris the next day.
Chris is my new housemate who is renting out the larger spare room in my house. The extra money will come in handy, and I guess it will lessen the feeling of lonliness I've been getting recently at times.
The ironic thing is Chris was on my course in the first year of Uni - he dropped out and came back to do Comp Sci. Didn't really know him back then, we shall see how living with him is.
And then, I received some play test material from AEG. Top secret new project, and didn't really receive much other than a taster. Still it's got the play test guys buzzing and tonight will be our first meet when we have something to talk about.
For which I have created the most god awful Warlord deck for. On a simple 'whether you win or not' basis, this is probably the best deck I've ever built. This deck actually frightens me. It takes all best insta kill tricks of the last few sets and rolls them into one handy package. It generally kills a Warlord dead on the second turn with no interaction with the rest of their army. Sure, I've built other decks that do that - it's the consistency of this one that bothers me. It's very hard to counter, very hard to stop. I'll try it out on the guys tonight, but it bothers me that a deck this good can be built.
Finally, I've made the desicion and have even partially sorted out accomodation. I'm going to Gencon Indy.
Indianapolis here I come, and may the world of Warlord quake in fear at my approach.
Anyhoo. Not much on in the forthcoming months - I've realised after this weekend I've nothing booked weekend wise until Gencon at the end of July. Very unusual.