Oct 01, 2013 06:28
Get it my name is the prego eggo like Juno, and she says the same thing? never mind if you don't get it
So I've become a more regular poster on Live journal again, and I've been posting all manner of things mostly on cat communities with the recent health issues my two girls have been having, but I haven't made any entries concerning my well being/ my rantings since making a come back so I guess this is it.
I came back to live journal because of my cats but I do intend to try and stick around this time, writing in a journal is therapeutic and might be a good way to burn off some of the stress that I seem to accumulate, so big news is I'm looking for a new job! Working at Wendy's was never glamorous and in the past year I stepped down from supervisor and became a full time opener, it was my decision and the goal was to lesson my stress and get more hours (I get more hours opening then as a supervisor) plus at the time we seriously needed a grill opener. Since becoming a grill opener my stress hasn't lessened at all and I'm constantly bickering with the day girls which seem to be more unbalanced then the teenagers. Also the biggest thing that got to me I work very hard, and I never really 'relax' at work I'm always doing something, whether it's my positional tasks or someone else' work, but foten I finish all of my work early because I work so fast and so I get sent home early... that's sweet except there goes another few hours a week. It almost feels as if I'm getting punished for doing a good job... Finally after hearing an employee angrily shouting 'god bless you' after a major tiff -like she needed to bring god into it- I got a little emotional because I realized I'm seriously done with that place and while I won't miss the girls I fought with I am going to feel so bad for the girls I like. I'm not being egotistical but I seriously worked so hard when I was there, starting before punch in nearly everyday doing extra things that were supposed to be someone else job (even for the girls I fought with) if and when I do leave everyone is going to feel the pressure because no one else will do what I did every single day, they're all hard workers and all but I did A LOT of extra stuff and I know it'll affect them when I'm not doing it.
However I have decided not to feel guilty about it, I know when I asked the GM for a letter of reference and to use him as a reference he seemed extremely worried and instantly tried to 'fix it' and is still trying to make sure I won't leave, but really no matter what he does I still don't want to be there so I will be leaving. I know it sucks for the managers too because we're already understaffed as it is and now they're going to have to find someone to fill thirty hours a week if I leave completely. That being said I might not leave completely. I am looking for another job and that job will be more important if they want me sat-tues mornings then I will book those off at wendy's in preference of taking the work from the new job.
The biggest thing right now is money, I'm making enough to get by right now but I do want to finish college and I do want to get out of debt, doing so means I have to be doing better then getting by so even if I have to keep Wendy's and a new job to get more hours I will, then again if someplay like say Ikea (right beside me literally) offers to taske me on full time... well I might just leave Wendy's entirely, I won't miss the half hour bike ride to work, Ikea is five minutes away and I can walk there which means no bus pass during the winter, plus there's chance for advancement there, I obviously don't want to be supervisor at Wendy's but I wouldn't mind climbing up somewhere else, that is after all what I'm going to school for.
So now all my facebook friends that actually creep these and the mostly non-existent people who might read this and have a live journal account, know why I was freaking out on Friday (in case you don't know I cried for like three hours strait on shift) really I was just done and getting rid of all the frustration, it doesn't help that I do have depressive days and moments something that goes hand in hand with my medical issues, but hopefully that will happen less often as I move on to bigger and better things