2014's Official PPC Shipping List

Feb 28, 2015 18:29

So: many years ago (in, like, 2004), BeautyInDisguise and bjam created a list of PPC 'ships (as in relationships) and OTPs. Since then, we've had a shipping festival of one kind or another pretty much every year.

Last year, for the first time in, ooh, ages, I started a thread specifically to create a list in the style of the BiD/bjam version. I don't think I said it was as a tenth anniversary, but I should have.

This is what the PPC Board of the time came up with, archived here for posterity.

*Huinesoron/Kaitlyn: because we are awesome, and have the (dubious) distinction of starring in one of the surviving stories from the very first Shipficfest.

*Neshomeh/Phobos: because they are pretty awesome too.

*Techno-Dann/VixenMage: because Kaitlyn is (was? is) their #1 shipper. [‘IRL, VM / Dann is happily sailing through the molasses sea: things are going slowly but sweetly.’]


*Kaitlyn/VixenMage: because we all know why she’s really their shipper (don’t we? No? No, me neither. It just sounded good)

Ekyl/Outhra: because they are both so fond of making extremely long, detailed posts about very minor points.

*Techno-Dann/World-Jumper: The hyphen-ation!

Al’s Waiter/Kaitlyn: because they’re both so very old, and I’m pretty sure Kaitlyn was an AW fangirl back in the day…

Sergio Turbo/SeaTurtle: for some reason, I’m incapable of remembering which is which. Must be the S-T thing. (The Rosencrantz and Guildenstern ship)

Autumn_68/son_of_heaven176: name_number - coincidence, or conspiracy?

*Lily Winterwood/DawnFire: because they so completely remind me of each other. because DF is part Canadian and Lily has Winter in her name.

*VixenMage/DawnFire: CamelCase - the ship!

Araeph/Neshomeh: Red pens of the world PPC, unite!

Lily Winterwood/Ekyl: Multiverse Moniship.

Bryn/VixenMage: Oh, sure, they just happened to come back at the same time…/because they're both returnbies who returned to the Board recently

*Sergio Turbo x Firemagic OTP :P/They’ve just been in the same shipping thread, after all.../because the two of them have collaborated on anime-related missions.

*Sergio Turbo/desdendelle because you're in the consecutive time zones and play World of Tanks together.


*Sergio Turbo/firemagic/Desdendelle. Occam’s razor. A cuddly sandwich of anime and magical girls and bespectacled folks.

*DawnFire x Firemagic because fire

*Dawn Fire/Desdendelle, because they lived in the same country once and everyone loves a soldier.

*DawnFire/Time Engineer. They know each other IRL, I hear.

DawnFire/DemonFiren because that sounds awesome

*Lily Winterwood/Desdendelle, because you've both just shipped DawnFire with people.

Lielac/Rin because of that tilde thing

*IntelligentAirhead/Lily Winterwood because they're writing fic together now. [‘IntelligentAirhead and I are in that fuzzy place between a relationship and friendship (it's the distance thing), so yeah.’]

*Doctorlit/Neshomeh: because I can't say "the wiki".

*Huinesoron/Neshomeh seems like a really good brotp. Mostly because of the wheelhouse joke. And the number of times they've backed each other up./I honestly thought it when I was a newbie.

*Kaitlyn/Phobos, so they can comfort each other over their lost loves.

*Huinesoron/Kaitlyn/Neshomeh/Phobos. The ship name is 'married bliss'.

*Lily/Neshomeh, because Lily clearly has an obsession with her - look at the number of ships she’s just made with her in!

*IntelligentAirhead/firemagic, because the two could then discuss things in a bubble of logic.

*DawnFire/hermioneofvulcan, because Star Trek and rambling.

*DawnFire/Outhra, because good ideas (they often have them)

*DawnFire/IntelligentAirhead, because 1) name structure, and 2) if we were the Star Trek triumvirate, Dawn would be the Kirk to my Bones and Intel's Spock.

*Lily Winterwood/DawnFire/IntelligentAirhead: crew of the star 'ship Hedonism . We don't want to know what you get up to. [‘It involves a lot of space. No, not that space, the final frontier space.’]

*Storme Hawk/hS - 'Cause they've both got bird names.

*hS/VM - I ship the two-letter abbreviations.

*firemagic/wobblestheclown/darklordaakmal - No capitals? Words slammed together? I'd ship that.

Storm Hawk/SeaTurtle/99Hedgehog/Sevenswans - So many animal names to ship.

*Huinesoron/Lily Winterwood - They do seem to be enjoying each others' company further down the thread. This ship is totally not a revengeship. Nope.

DawnFire/Karen - Day call demselves Brain Twins! Day arrre worken on an OFU togethar! Karen even wrote a poem for Dawn! Iffen dat aint enough resens for yeh, oi don't know what to tell yah.

DemonFiren/darklordaakmal - Because Dark Lords and Demons need somebody to brood with. Oh, wait, my accent. Um, Yar!

Herr Wozzek/son_of_heaven176 - 'Cause dey were me beta readars, and oi thought oi'd pay dem back. By shippin' dem togethar! [Note: soh176 does not wish to be actively shipped with other men]

Jay/Acacia. Ye nevar said dey had to be active members, did yah?

*Huinesoron/Phobos - While they're both permission givers, some nights, they're fine with receiving.

Kellysinaga/ThatThatShan'tBeNamed Because Newbies.

[Notary/Morgan - This is something of a one-sided hatecrush on the Notary's part, one that the poor dear's trying deeply to repress. =]]

[Wobbles/Sugar - "GET IN ME" -- Agent Wobbles]

Huinesoron/Araeph - Because they're two great tastes that taste great together. =]

*wobblestheclown/Neshomeh - Because she reads my first drafts without wanting to kill me. That's a sign of love, right? Right? … I'll be in my trailer with my Nickelback albums.

*wobblestheclown/Desdendelle - Mostly because Notary/Librarian sounds so entertaining in-universe.

Pretzel / Makari - A ship that's all about ferries!

*World-Jumper/Huinesoron. 'Cause thanks for leaving me all cold an alone, World-Jumper!

Araeph/Phobos because their baronies are right next to each other. And, by implication, all the other neighbouring baronial seats

*Pretzel/Kaitlyn, because Kaitlyn used to 'work' in a 'bakery', if you know what I mean. (I mean she used to work in a bakery)

*Pretzel/Phobos - This ship brought to you by the letter 'P'.

*Pretzel/Storm Hawke, because you're both so eager to be shipped...

*Pretzel/the concept of shipping - because ferries.


darklordaakmal/Herr Wozzeck/KittyEden/Ailavyn Siniyash/World-Jumper/Storm Hawk/Lily Winterwood/Ekyl/Dann/firemagic/Kaitlyn - This one goes to eleven
KittyEden/Techno-Dann - Also known as the laser pointer ship.

wobblestheclown/Ekyl/Desdendelle - ‘were totally all up in each other's business in that Gdoc’

*wobblestheclown/Herr Wozzeck, 'cause Neshomeh’s recently beta'd for them both./Wozzektheclown: Just because it sounds funny. Seriously, that's it.

Desdendelle/Neshomeh - Desdomeh is the obvious portmanteau.

Desdendelle/Ekyl - Deskyl is a more argumentative, Beatrice and Benedick-style affair.

*wobblestheclown/Sergio Turbo - because they're Desdendelle’s latest Beta clients.

Desdendelle/theIrishSamurai/Dawnfire - Because so many other people have shipped their beta's I might as well go for it as well.

Desdendelle/theIrishSamurai (first 2 beta's for my permission piece)

Dawnfire/son_of_heaven176 (second two beta's)

*Lily Winterwood/World-Jumper - Lily WinterWorld-Jumper: Seen them interacting a few times, and I like how world and wood sound kind of similar.

*Rina/Lily. Two people with overly-long names that are easily shortened into actual names.

*Pretzel/Araeph - Because you're both oldbies who I haven't spoken to half as much as I'd like, don't know half as as well as you deserve--

*Neshomeh/Wiki, because reasons. No, seriously, there are reasons. With all the time and effort she spends making sure it makes its way towards achieving perfection...well, there must be something there, right? Right?

*Boarders/Shipping. Look how much fun we're having! Almost...too much fun, if you know what I mean...

Desdenelle/Rina/Randa/A vat of pureed watermelon/Clothing that seems to be primarily metal rings held together with thin leather or PVC belts/One of those strange Japanese body pillow efforts with a picture of a galloping horse on it/A small painted wooden duck/Seven copies of the Zambezi mod for Civilisation V/A stuffed penguin/A non-stuffed penguin/Neshomeh while dressed as a penguin or similar large seabird/A slightly used electric toothbrush/And some chap I met in the mess hall this morning called Bernard. - ‘the only ship anyone should ever ship’

hS and Randa. Because she will drive you even more insane than any badfic.

Bryn/VM/Miah, since they're the (newly expanded) returnbies club.

*Tomash/Phobos, because neither posts a lot.
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