postbox: jeremy job 2006 (7/?)

Aug 26, 2012 16:52

Title: Postbox (Jeremy Job 2006: 7/?)
Author: sionnach-ayame & stardoll
Fandom/Pairing: Inception | Pre-Inception, Arthur/Eames
[this part] Approx. Word Count: 5,245 words
Disclaimer: Inception is not ours. Postboxes are not ours. Bronson? May be ours.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: In which work resumes and Eames reveals a particularly new skill set he's acquired.
Eames' Player: stardoll
Arthur's Player: sionnach_ayame
[this part] Occurs: January 12, 2006

<< The Jeremy Job (2006): 6/?

LOCATION: London, England
DATE: Sunday, January 12, 2006
TIME: 9:53 a.m. GMT

"He knows something," Eames said the next morning. "The others that we interviewed...they weren't withholding the way Ricky" - he winced at the name - "the way he was withholding. So, either he's trying to throw us for a loop, or he knows something. And, THAT's where we need to place our focus, wouldn't you agree?"

He glanced up at Arthur. The two of them had made no serious attempts at getting up and getting a start to the morning. They had been content with just lying in bed in their pajamas and in each other's arms. Eames, of course, was fine with this arrangement - he was ready to abandon the job for the sake of convenience and comfort - but a promise was a promise, and Jeremy DID hire them as his last resort.

Arthur nodded in agreement. "Ricky definitely knows something. He's the one that we need to focus on. The only question is exactly how we should get the information that we need." He mused, sliding his fingers over Eames' shoulders as he gave it some thought. He wasn't fully awake yet - it was only after his second cup of coffee that he'd be awake enough to come up with something more coherent.

"Well," Eames began.

He inched closer to Arthur, breathing him in. Never in his wildest dreams did he think Arthur would return his feelings. And yet, here they were.

Treading carefully, Eames presented what he had mulled over before Arthur had awoken. "I...have earned some measure of trust in him. In Ricky. I could...could always meet him. Talk to him over dinner. See if I could coax some information from him."

Arthur blinked as his hand stalled.

"What. No."

He frowned. Eames being around that man, alone was not, in any way shape or form, comforting. The man had already taken advantage of Eames and Arthur would be damned if he'd allowed anything like that to happen again.

Ricky was a predator, plain and simple.

"Arthur, please give me the benefit of the doubt," Eames said, his full lips pressing into a narrow line. "I'm intelligence. This is what I do; this is what I'm trained in. I can GET the info out of him."

Arthur pressed his lips together. "I have no doubt about you. I just think there's a better way of getting information out of the bastard. For all you know, he'll want a repeat performance of the other night." He suppressed the surge of anger at the mere thought of that bastard laying a hand on Eames again. "He's not exactly the talking type."

"If that's what it takes..." Eames began, his voice flat and his face expressionless. "Arthur, I really don't know how else we're going to get him to talk. If I need to make a 'trade', then so be it. We have a job to do, and goddamnit we've got to do it."

Arthur ran a hand over his face and stayed quiet for a minute or two as he considered their options.

"What if we confront him by the thought or an idea of Jenna, or Jenna herself. We can do some recon at Red Door - follow her moves, figure out her schedule, study her and see if she'll give anything away about her relationship with Ricky. That way, if he's confronted by her -- perhaps, he'll act as we expect him to and reveal everything." Or, at least, what they needed to know. It was an idea -- it still needed to be fleshed out and they would have to work on just how to bring Jenna into the dream without actually bringing her into the dream but it was a much better idea than Eames going into the lion’s den alone.

"...So what do you need, a Jenna projection or a real Jenna?" Eames asked, his eyebrows knitting.

Arthur was silent for a moment. "It might be more beneficial to have a real Jenna but -- it's just a idea. Not exactly sure how we could pull that one off."

Eames smiled slightly and laced a hand with Arthur's.

"Can I show you something, love? After you've been caffeinated, of course," he said.

"You can show me whatever you want so long as it’s after I’ve been caffeinated," Arthur chuckled softly and gave him a wry smile.

Once they had been fed and caffeinated, Eames coaxed Arthur back into his - their - bedroom, with vague assurances of "you'll love this" and "this is exactly what you had in mind".

He sat on the mattress, palms pressed flat to the sheets and his legs swinging. "Take out the PASIV, it's the only way I can show you," he said with a smile.

Arthur took out the PASIV and sat it up for the two of them on the bed. "Will five minutes be enough or do you need ten?" he asked, extending them each a line. He was interested to see what Eames wanted to show him.

"Five would be fine," Eames said, taking the lead from Arthur. "Sweet dreams."

Arthur nodded and put five minutes on the timer before settling down onto the bed then plunging them down into the dream.

When he opened his eyes, it was to an empty bedroom with a simple bed, a simple dresser and wood floors. He looked at the man standing there with his back to him. "Eames?" he asked, drawing his eyebrows together.

Eames smiled and rocked on the balls of his heels, his back turned to Arthur.

When Arthur saw, he was going to shit himself.

He made a nondescript humming sound, and crossed his narrow hands behind his back.

The other man looked a little familiar to Arthur - the build and the stance. Was he a projection -- of himself? Arthur drew his eyebrows together and stepped closer to the other man. Talking to projections in of itself wasn’t normally bad, it was only when you clued them in on the dream that it was bad.

"Have you seen a British man?" he asked, stepping to the side of him so he could get a better look.

Eames turned away a little more, in a deliberate attempt to prevent Arthur from taking a look at...himself.

With a smile, Eames said, "No, I can't say I've seen a British man", his voice a pitch-perfect copy of Arthur's. "Describe him to me and perhaps I can help?"

Arthur drew his eyebrows together, hearing his voice being spoken back to him. He must be a projection right? But why would he have a projection of himself? He wasn't that conceited. "Tall, strong build, handsome, charming...gray eyes?" Arthur took a step closer so he could see more. "Are you a projection?" It was a stupid question and he was, on some level, prepared for the projection to turn on him.

Eames turned more, smiling broadly. This was just too much fun.

"Now, why would you ask a projection a question like that? Wouldn't that make them aware that they're a projection, and cause them to turn on you? That's an uncharacteristically risky move for you to make, Arthur, considering that this isn't even your dream..."

Arthur's eyebrows rose as he took in...himself. He was silent for a minute or two as he stepped around the man. "Yes, well -- " Arthur tilted his head, amazed really. "I wondered why there would be another me here." He was already starting to connect the dots - it had to be but how?

Eames turned to fully face Arthur and he grinned, his cheeks dimpling in the exact same way that Arthur's did.

"You say you're looking for an English man. Well, look around you!" he said, as he opened up his arms. "You and I are the only two people in this entire dreamscape." He crossed his arms and smiled smugly.

Arthur’s mouth opened then closed then opened once more. “Eames -- but how? When?”

Eames smiled proudly.

"There you go; that's my Arthur!" he said happily. "What do you think? While you've been looking at bank statements and following leads, I've been spending time with the PASIV." He twisted the cuff of his pressed white t-shirt around his wrist and pursed his lips. "There's still some kinks to be worked out, but I think I've nearly gotten it down pat, don't you?" Turning his - Arthur's - gaze back to Arthur's (which was certainly bizarre), he said, "Didn't think it was possible to fully adopt someone's appearance, did you?"

Yes, there were some things that still needed to be tweaked out was fantastic. Arthur walked around the other man slowly and shook his head in amazement. "Wow, Eames -- it's...fuck, it's fucking brilliant!"

"You think so?" Eames said, genuinely pleased. He cleared his throat and smiled. "Of course it's fucking brilliant, I had a brilliant subject to study the last couple of weeks." he added, his cockiness returning. "So, when you said you wanted to follow Jenna, spy on her a bit, I thought, well...why not become Jenna? That way, we don't need to bring Jenna in to the dream, nor worry about a Jenna projection making a mess of things. After all, I've been able to become you after a little bit of hard work." He smoothed his hands over his chest. "And I don't see why I can't change my sex and become Jenna after I'm allowed to do some research myself. I can adopt her look, personality, mannerisms..."

Arthur grinned. "I do think so," he reaffirmed. He chuckled and felt the tips of his ears burn.

Getting a hold of his self, Arthur considered what Eames said. It could work. This...would be fantastic. Arthur felt his grin grow even larger. "This could change the game for all new jobs..." There was a spark in his eyes. Who better to confront a mark than a potential loved one or enemy or...Christ, this could work.

"I think our first order of business on Monday is to start recon at Red Light."

While Arthur grinned and gloated, Eames quietly slipped around him, to a bare dresser equipped with a full-length mirror. With Arthur's back to him (because he couldn't do it with all eyes on him), he looked up into the mirror, at his own familiar reflection staring back at him.

And like that, he had returned to himself, no longer Arthur's doppelganger. Turning his back to the mirror, he leaned against the dresser, crossed his arms, and smiled.

"Impressed then?" he teased. "It wasn't easy, but it's certainly a worthwhile skill."

As he considered Arthur's proposal, he said, "Do you think I can perhaps get access to Red Light? I need to be close to Jenna, to actually study her so I can properly portray her. Is there a board meeting? A shoot? Anything Monday?"

"I'm very impressed, Eames," Arthur turned to give him a grin. "Honestly, it can be extremely beneficial."

He thought about what he could get for Red Light and nodded. "I think so. When we get back up top, I'll start looking into what they have going on Monday and let you know. If you have the necessary paperwork, you can easily go in and study her."

"Paperwork is a bit of a specialty of mine, Arthur," Eames said with a smile. He pushed himself away from the dresser and sauntered easily toward Arthur, and once face-to-face, he settled his hands on Arthur's waist. Pulling him closer, he said, "You simply are my favorite point man, and you work so hard over a computer, gathering documents and researching tirelessly...however can I thank you? Show you my appreciation?"

Arthur rested his hands on Eames' chest and looked at him with a grin. "Well, if I'm going to be doing research today, you could make dinner - or order dinner," he teased. Arthur knew how he got when work became the forefront of his mind. He was lucky if he remembered things like eating or taking care of himself.

"I'm sure I can figure out something," Eames purred, smoothing his hands around Arthur's middle so that they rested on the small of his back.

Arthur slid his hands over Eames’ shoulders and gave him a grin. "I have faith that you will.”

Eames paused, and slowly looked Arthur up and down. "I still can't believe..." He gave Arthur a squeeze. "You know," he finished, as though that were enough to fill in his thought.

"I know," Arthur smiled. "But, I'm happy to be here with you - together."

"Me too," Eames said with a smile, and right before the timer went to zero.

* * *

The whole game had changed.

The revelation that Eames could do that, and could change and morph his appearance into someone else opened up different avenues for them and most importantly, opened up new opportunities for Eames.

The ability to forge on any level - documentation, currency etc - had always been interesting to Arthur but he didn't have the skill or the patience to delve into something like that. Eames did and had taken the idea of forging into a different and admittedly, a much more interesting level. He could become whoever he wanted or needed to become depending on the situation. It was extraordinary.

Arthur hadn't been lying or merely just saying it when he told Eames that he had been impressed. It was unlike anything he'd seen before and as far as he was aware, no one else had ever done it yet. He'd have to look into it but if he was correct, this could very well be revolutionary for the entire dream share community. It wasn’t a far stretch to say that Arthur was one hundred percent interested to see where this could go and how exactly it could benefit what they were doing.

It was with this new found excitement and curiosity that Arthur went headfirst into his research of Red Light and Jenna. It took some digging, calling in a few contacts but he had found purchase records, phone records and possible video recordings as well; he was still waiting to hear back from someone who he knew through someone else about those.

"I think we'll have to do some recon to truly get a grasp of Jenna's schedule but they have a 10 AM staff meeting tomorrow morning and then they start shooting a new film at noon. She's in and out of meetings throughout the day with various people - a director and some new talent. That could be your potential in - new talent." He looked over at Eames to see what he thought. There were, of course, chances that it wouldn't work but it was also an idea. And that's what this was about - putting ideas out there to find out what would work best on how to exactly pull this off.

Eames blinked slowly; Arthur's words had not quite sunk in.

"You want me to slip into Red Light. Under the guise. Of new. TALENT," he said. Arching a brow, he said, "And this doesn't bother you that I'll be prancing around as new talent?" After a pause, he shrugged and added, "Anything to get in, I suppose."

"You did say it would be useful if you could get in close with her, right?" Arthur asked, looking at him with raised eyebrows and a smile. "What better way to truly hear her talk and take note of her mannerisms than to meet with her and talk with her?" He tilted his head and hummed faintly. "Unless, of course, you think it would be too risky." He didn't want this to make Eames uncomfortable after what happened with Ricky.

"But..." Eames began. "What if they want a screen test? I act like new talent...I don't know how the industry works, but I have a suspicion that they take their work seriously, seriously enough to want to scout for new talent..." He ran a rough hand through his hair. "But I agree, I need to get in there to study her, or else I can't properly adopt her mannerisms. It's one thing to adopt her physical appearance, but without knowing her behaviors, her mannerisms..." He sighed. "Well, the Mark just won't believe it now, will he?"

"There is that," Arthur conceded. "So if being a potential talent in the studio won't work, how else can we get you inside," he asked thoughtfully, folding his hands over his stomach and leaning back in his chair. He tried to consider their other options of how they could get Eames inside so he could properly study her.

"I'm not disregarding your idea, love, I'm just saying that...well, in order to act the part they may want me to act the part," Eames said. He sat, quiet for a moment, mulling tired ideas over and over again.

"What kind of meeting, love?" he began, choosing his words carefully. "One can assume any identity if one wants to act as the wallflower. I could be someone's assistant, someone's caterer, someone's janitor..."

Arthur nodded. Since it was a porn studio, and while he was fairly sure being able to act wasn't exactly necessary, Arthur WAS sure that it probably meant taking off some of his clothing.

"It's a staff meeting," he tilted his head. "You could be someone's assistant -- it would be easy enough to work with. You'd be able to watch her without truly being noticed."

Eames smiled.

"Simple enough." Grinning, he added, "See, I wouldn't be so opposed to playing it off like I were new talent if you and I weren't, know. Not to say I'm shy, but I would much rather not act like a porn star while I'm in a relationship with someone I quite like, thanks.

"So, does this mean I have to wear a suit?"

Arthur smiled. 'Simple enough' was something he liked to hear. It meant the plan was possible to go off without any major snags and that was always a plus in his book.

He could feel his cheeks warm in response to Eames' words. It was new and exciting to be in this relationship with Eames -- to see if they could make it work and where it could take them. Arthur gave Eames a true and warm smile, with a flash of a dimple.

"I think it does mean you'll have to wear a suit - something at least business casual, I'd assume."

Eames pouted. He didn't even like putting the "business" in business casual, much less donning a suit.

"There's no avoiding it, is there?" he asked. "I'm gonna have to dress up? Well then, it's your responsibility to dress me. God forbid what I would wear if I were to dress myself." Pausing, he added in a low voice, "I do have that paisley number I picked up at a charity shop a few years ago..."

Arthur turned part of his attention toward the email that had popped up and quickly scanned over it. The words that he just read slipped from his focus when Eames mentioned 'paisley'. "You're supposed to be blending in not standing out," Arthur said, a little dryly but sending him a smirk. "I'll help you dress. Paisley is not something you should ever wear to a staff meeting. Though, I'm sure it was the rage in the 70s," he added, thoughtfully.

"Oh?" Eames asked, rising up from where he was sitting - no, draped - over the couch. "And who exactly died and made you Karl Lagerfeld? Paisley is perfectly fashionable; I'll have you know, retro is hot."

He slumped down next to Arthur and threw a lazy arm around the other man's arms, and propped his chin against his shoulder, making no effort to hide the fact that he was yes, reading over Arthur's shoulder.

Arthur raised his eyebrows. "Where is it fashionable?" he asked, his lips curving up when Eames slumped down next to him.

"I've seen it on the telly," Eames said vaguely, as though it added validity to his statement. "And what's this?" he added, gesturing to the e-mail.

Arthur tilted his head so he could rest it against Eames' for a minute. "A guy who can possibly get us video surveillance of Jenna and the places she's been. Think that might help you?" he asked. He knew this guy through a contact of his parents, not that he'd ever say as much to them. It wasn't as though he wanted them to know what he was doing with their resources.

Eames arched his brow at Arthur's response. "A CCTV man? Do I think this will help us? Arthur, this is the most valuable breakthrough I've heard!"

He flashed Arthur a crooked grin. "You're brilliant, love. Video surveillance...fucking brilliant! When can we be in touch with him?"

"Of course," Arthur commented with a smirk.

The smirk grew into a genuine smile when Eames said how brilliant the idea was. Arthur chuckled and flashed him a grin. "I originally sent him an email asking if he was interested and if it was possible to get a hold of." Arthur read over the email thoroughly this time. "Shouldn't be a problem. All he needs is the name, identification information and other leads that we have as to where she's been, the days and he'll get us the information as soon as he can."

"Would tailing her be out of the question? Ricky too, for that matter..." Eames paused. "And for good measure it might be worth tailing Jeremy. If it's possible, see if we can get CCTV tapes on each of them, and perhaps credit cards statements, phone that possible for you?" Eames asked, as though the thought had just occurred to him, asking whether Arthur was capable of producing such information.

"It's not that I don't trust Jeremy's word, but it would be nice to have something conclusive from all three of them, so we have a better basis on where to look. Who they're talking to, where their money is going, where THEY are going - it'll help us understand the bigger picture, don't you think?"

"I don't think it would be out of the question at all." Arthur considered it and looked at Eames. "I could tail Jeremy or Ricky -- see where they go and who they're meeting with. I got the credit card and phone records for Jenna so I can easily get the same for Ricky and Jeremy as well. Those aren't an issue." He tilted his head. "Would you want to tail Jenna?" he asked. "It would allow you time to study her and see where she's going, how she interacts with others outside of the professional realm." If not, they would have the CCTV tapes of each of them so long as his contact didn't mind. For a certain price, he was sure the man wouldn't mind one bit.

"I can take Jenna," Eames said with a smile. "That won't be a problem for me. And you're right; it'll allow me opportunity to learn her mannerisms, her behaviors, everything that makes Jenna, well, Jenna. Then I can take that with me into the dream, once we construct that."

Eames frowned slightly, but only slightly. He didn't want Arthur to notice the change in expression. "You can take Ricky, and we can switch off on Jeremy, if you'd rather. I certainly...don't want to involve myself with him - Ricky, that is. Just promise not to harm him, he's valuable to us until the job is completed."

Arthur nodded. "I'll tail Ricky," he said. He didn't want Eames exposed to the man any more than he had to after the night Eames had with him. This way, Eames would have ample opportunity to study Jenna.

"I promise I won't harm him until after the job," Arthur said, giving Eames a smile. "We'll switch off on Jeremy."

"So," Eames began, resting his cheek against Arthur's shoulder. "Tapes, documentation, and a 10 am meeting tomorrow. Think with this we'll figure out who's hiding what from whom? Or is there anything on your mind you want to bring up?"

It didn't hurt to test the waters - as much as Eames provided a different point of view for Arthur, Arthur was - at the end of the day - the brain behind the operation. The point man, and NOTHING could get past Arthur's grasp.

"While you're at the meeting tomorrow - I'll trail Ricky and see where he goes, what he does beyond filming," Arthur mused. "I think this will give us a better image of what's going on, who's talking to who and who is hiding what from who. And, beyond tailing the three suspects, I think that's all we have right now. As we find out more, we can adjust and focus on certain people."

"So I'll be going undercover on my own, no backup?" Eames said, pouting slightly. "No point man I have come to rely on? Just me, alone, surrounded by pornographers?"

Arthur tilted his head and thought about it. "Hm, perhaps you should have back up," his lips quirked up. "For the first time at the very least. This way, if it doesn't work - you're not on your own."

Eames laughed.

"Oh, so you think they'll pull guns at the board meeting? Should I go in armed as well? I'm sure you have a weapon or three I could borrow, yeah?" he asked, eyes glittering in amusement.

Arthur chuckled.

"Well..." he drawled out slowly. "Not so much as guns per se," he couldn't resist teasing. "But I do have a weapon or four that you could borrow." Arthur's eyes glittered in amusement as he tilted his head against Eames'.

Eames' eyes widened briefly.

"Well, I certainly don't want to know what they'll be pulling out then. It's not a party I would want to involve myself in. After all, they're in the porn business and I'm already involved with someone I quite would get weird...and really, is a job worth it once it crosses a certain threshold of weird?"

Arthur chuckled. "Honestly, I think the worst they would do is kick you out and forbid you to ever return." He turned his head around to shoot Eames a smile. "I'll be there for backup if you need me." It would be the first time they had done something like this outside of the military and it would be smart to have someone there as back up for that initial meeting.

Eames tilted his face forward to press a quick kiss to Arthur's lips. He smiled to himself; it admittedly felt rather good to be able to do that whenever he wanted.

"Thank you, love. I can always count on you to have my back," he purred. "Shall I wear a wire for you, darling?"

Arthur smiled, flashing a dimple. "That you can," he agreed. He'd always have Eames' back. " I think it's a good idea if you were. That way, I'll be able to hear everything that's going on as you are and four ears are better than two."

"Oh, and would you be procuring that for me as well, if I'm to go sans paisley?" he asked, circling his arms around Arthur. "Is it something your contact can also pick up for me, or do you know your way around a wire?"

"Of course," Arthur responded, finding himself relaxing into Eames' embrace. "I'm going to ask him if he has one we can use or that I can buy off of him."

Eames smiled.

"Move the laptop for me, will you?" he asked, before adding, "I really must know where you get these...connections. And, reassure me, but none of them are connected to your mafia days, yeah?"

Arthur chuckled and sat the laptop down onto the coffee table. "I can assure you that none of them are connected to my mafia days." They were, however, connected to his parents.

“They're connected to my parents, actually," he explained, casting a quick glance at Eames. It was perhaps one of the first times he mentioned his parents civilly.

"Oh? Your parents?" Eames asked, eyebrows quirking. "I thought..." He shook his head, tightening his arms around Arthur, pulling him into a tight embrace. "Nevermind. So is this how you find your contacts?" he asked with a grin.

Arthur's lips curved into a smile as he relaxed into Eames' arms. "Yeah - sometimes. Had to learn something, ultimately." Arthur wrapped both arms around Eames and relaxed.

"Can your parents' contacts?" Eames asked tentatively. He didn't want to ruin their good vibes by breaching a potentially sensitive subject, but he felt it wasn't worth ignoring either. He knew just how strained Arthur's relationship was with his parents'. And personally, he wasn't sure he could trust anyone the Delahey's placed their own trust in.

"I mean...his loyalties, this man's...where do they lie? With whomever he's worked with the longest or who has the biggest wallet?"

Arthur tilted his head and was silent for a moment. "Yeah, we can trust him. At the very least, we can trust him." Arthur had met this particular contact a few times when he would come by the house and they had a good report together.

He gave Eames a reassuring smile. "We can trust him," he reiterated before he pressed a soft kiss to Eames’ cheek. "He's also handy at quick get-aways should we ever need someone to get us out a country quickly." That wasn't to say that would happen but should it, he knew someone.

Eames smiled and nuzzled his nose against Arthur's cheek in response. The melting sweetness of the kiss was enough to crumble his resolve.

"If you can trust him, I can," he said. "For the most part, you know good people. And so long as his idea of a quick getaway doesn't include bombs in the engines of cars, then...what have we got to lose?" He grinned confidently.

Arthur smiled and looked at him; it meant a lot to Arthur that Eames was willing to trust this contact even if the source of it was Arthur's parents. He smiled and pressed his nose against Eames' cheek then brushed a soft kiss over his lips.

"Rest assured knowing that it does not include bombs of any kind - unless it's busting someone out of prison."

"Mmmm, you talk as though you've busted someone out of prison before," Eames said, chuckling. He tilted his face to Arthur's and responded with a more lingering kiss. God, how he loved to be able to do that whenever he wanted.

Arthur chuckled. "No, I just heard about it afterward." He smiled and closed his eyes some as he responded to the kiss, licking along Eames' bottom lip slowly.

"Mmm, from your parents I assume?" Eames asked, before meeting Arthur for another kiss. He could feel the point man nod before returning his kiss.

After a lengthy pause, Eames withdrew and whispered, "Have plans? With the laptop, I mean."

Arthur opened his eyes and licked along his bottom lip. "No -- no, plans," he whispered.

Eames simply grinned in response.

"Good. Then want to make out?"

Arthur grinned and moved in closer to slide his lips over Eames' in response. No other words were needed.

The Jeremy Job (2006): 8/? (COMING SOON) >>

[2006] postbox, [2006] job: jeremy, [2006] january

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