9th Volley// Ow. [Video]

Aug 23, 2010 18:02


OW!! Bloody-- ff-- wanker... Ow ow ow.
[It scared her, more than it actually hurt, but still, getting shocked in the hip kinda hurts. Looks like someone hasn't been giving her communicator any attention lately.

The girl jerks it out of her pocket and rubs her hip where it zapped her, leering disgruntledly at the screen. The girl mumbles to herself.]

...Never thought this would 'appen t'me. --...Granted, I 'ave 'ad worse things 'appen.

[She shakes her head, running a hand through her hair and glancing away from the comm.]

'ello Discedo. Long time, no see. [She's been seeing the inside of Washu's lab for God knows how long. Not enough time to really sit and chat with folks.]

...is ev'ryone doing olrigh'...?

stupid comm, ow my hip, damnit seras

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