Permissions and Plot Post

May 15, 2020 22:25

OC Permissions

Backtagging: Sure~!
Threadhopping: Go ahead.
Fourthwalling: Yes, you can,
Offensive subjects (elaborate): Yes. Fine with me, but Seras may go AUGH.

IC Permissions

Hugging this character: Uhm, generally yes, unless it starts to linger. Then she might get a little, uh, weirded out.
Kissing this character: Yes, but be warned, if you're lecherous in any form, she will slap/punch/harm/maim you, but for most things she'll just...wonder wtf.
Flirting with this character: You can flirt all day long, but until you're actually ON TOP OF HER, she's not gonna know the difference between you being really friendly and wanting to be in her pants. She's naive like that. >_> 
Fighting with this character: GO AHEAD. She's not the type to jump STRAIGHT into a fight, but if you piss her off, she won't be afraid to kick your ass.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Please do not remove any limbs unless we plot this beforehand. D: Eviscerating and the like, well, she's been through worse. Just...stuff her organs back in and give her some blood and she'll heal just fine. :| 
Killing this character: I'd like to have this discussed first, but yeah, killing is cool. XD
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Uhm, SURE. Just uh, hit me up first? XD 
Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character? Special physical features, fighting abilities, STUFF:

Special Physical features: GIANT BREASTS. Uhh... Her eyes shift color from blue to red when she's using any form of vampire power; this includes but is not limited to: Third eye usage (when shooting mostly), is in rage mode, or is hungry. Generally shifts when extreme emotion is involved.

Fighting Abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, and agility. She has formal police officer training, and advanced weaponry knowledge. When in Berserker mode, she will switch to using just her hands, and can slice through a human being without breaking a sweat.

STUFF: She's sweet, derpy, and friendly most of the time-- but don't expect her to trust you. You have to gain that. Uhm, she's got a British accent... and is just kinda cute in general.

Warnings: Berserker mode: SHE CAN BE TRIGGERED BY EXTREME ANGER AND ANXIETY. ALSO FEAR. So. If emotions get too high? 
Prepare for this: 

Types of sex I am OK with: Just...uh, ask. Rape is cool, uh, consensual is cooler, obviously. But she's not the type to just JUMP ON IN BED with someone. It's also okay to get her inebriated in any way blood-drunk/alcoholdrunk/high/drugged in general-- all of that is cool. JUST TALK TO ME FIRST 8Db

Kinks or practices I enjoy: Jesus. I like... just about everything. (I do like rape. It's so bad, but it's true.) WOW THIS IS JUST KINDA STUFF YOU COULD ASK. Just ask me "Oh hey are you cool with "X, Y, or Z" and I'll tell you. :3 Domination is p. much a no, though. Seras just...doesn't usually do that kinda thing. SHE IS SUBMISSIVE LIKE 24/7.

Types of sex I'm not OK with: Anything involving children. ... Weirder stuff like inflation and snuff, generally, uh, guro is not fun. If you wanna tear her up AFTER you have sex? Whatever, just...please don't fuck her organs. Ugh.

Kinks or practices I don't enjoy: ...that stuff I said up there? Uhm, Seras is pretty much never dominant either. Unless you get her in berserker mode, she won't be dominante ever. Also, the chances of her actively having sex with a female are slim to none. If the female is so inclined? She'll have to get Seras naked and then start doing things to her; as she will never ever come onto another female.

Willing to write rape or dubcon?: Oooooh Totes.

Is fade to black OK?: That's cool.


Got any ideas you want to use for/with/on/around/beyond/above/PREPOSITION Seras? Just hit me up here, and we can discuss~ PM me or IM me on AIM at soulxsutures or NotGonnaDrink if you want it to remain private~

!plotting, !permissions

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