I don't normally do these, however these made me think about the last year as I read through them. They were yanked from
The Year In Review
1) Where did you begin 2007? In Indianapolis (actually, I think it was Fishers) at Dawg and Laurie's house with my sweetie Bear and other friends around. We played cards, talked, and watched Dick Clark's Rokin' New Year's Eve. We all watched the ball drop, wished everyone a Happy New Year, and then bugged out for the night.
2) What was your status by Valentine's Day? Married, however living in different houses because Bear had already moved down to Florida.
3) Were you in school (anytime this year)? No.
4) How did you earn your money? Determining what type of trials need to be run in early phase clinical planning and implementing these trials.
5) Did you have to go to the hospital? Nope! :D
6) Did you have any encounters with the police? No. We made sure we had the radar detector when we took our TransAmerica Pet Move of 2007.
7) Where did you go on holiday? Our anniversary we went to San Diego.
8) What did you purchase that was over $1000? That would be our home. And we sold a home for over $1000 this year as well. :D
9) Did you know anybody who got married? This was actaully a quiet year for us on the marriage front. We didn't know anyone who got married.
10) How old did you turn in 2007? 36! I don't believe in numerology, however I thought it should be a special birthday since my birthday is on 3/6.
11) What was your most tivoed show? I don't tivo.
12) Did you move anywhere? Tampa, Fl, from Indianapolis, IN
13) Favorite movie of the year? Stardust
14) What concerts/shows did you go to? No concerts this year, however we did see a few shows (which I'm currently spacing the name on).
15) Are you registered to vote? Yes. You have to be in order to get your homestead exemption in this state!
16) Who did you want to win Big Brother? I've never watched Big Brother
17) Where do you live now? With my husband, goober of a dog, and three massive cats in Tampa, Fl
18) Describe your birthday? It was a little lonely because my pets and hubby weren't with me. I woke up and opened the presents that had been sent to me by family. I went to work, came home, got a few calls from friends wishing me a happy birthday, opened up my fridge where I had a bottle of champaign and chocolate cake waiting that I had purchased, and spent the night watching tv and celebrating by myself. Later I went to Florida and Bear baked me a cake and gave me a book as a birthday present.
19) What's one thing you thought you'd never do but did in 2007? Move to Florida.
20) What has been your favorite moment? Our hot air balloon ride at sunset next to the Pacific Ocean
21) What's something you learned about yourself? I can live completely alone if I have to (however don't enjoy doing it... I would prefer to at least have a pet to cuddle).
22.) Any new additions to your family? None.
23.) What was your best month? April! I was reunited with my sweetie after living apart for several months. :D
24.) What music will you remember 2007 by? Carbon Leaf - Indian Summer CD (Specifically the songs "Life Less Ordinary" and "Changeless"
25) Who has been your best drinking buddy? Bear's mom this year. :D
26) Made new friends? Still working on that department but I feel Des is becoming a friend.
27) Grown apart from any long time friends? Not grown apart, but I have tracked down a few old friends who I haven't heard from in a long time.
Christmas Meme
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping Paper. There's some type of carnal pleasure associated with ripping open wrapping paper that you just don't get with a bag.
2. Tree--Real or Artificial? Artificial. We only had a few real trees when I was growing up and they were after I was in my 20's. Besides that, the cats and dog leave the artificial one alone. :D
3. When do you put Christmas tree up? The weekend after Thanksgiving if possible. This year I got the tree up the Sunday after Thanksgiving, however it took a week to get all the ornaments on it (I had to find all the boxes)
4. When do you take the tree down? Try to do it before New Year's Eve so that we start the New Year without any tieovers from the previous year.
5. Like egg nog? The few times I've had it, it has not been bad.
6. Do you have a nativity scene? No. However I remember the one my mother had as I was growning up as a child and was always playing with the animals in the scene.
7. Favorite gift received as a child? A doll house which my father built for me. I never really played dolls, but I put all my stuffed animals and books in it and it because a cherished toy that we hauled around until we moved to Indianapolis (I believe my parents gave it away to someone finally after 20 years)
8. Hardest person to buy for? Bear's sister. We've tried buying small things off her wishlist and she's gotten upset about it. When we had some extra money and bought her a really nice gift, she sold the gift immediately and then later on accused us of trying to buy her love. We buy her gift cards now.
9. Easiest person to buy for? Bear, for I know him so well. :D
10. Worst Christmas gift? Underwear.
11. Mail or email a Christmas card? Mail, for I never get real mail and feel joyful when I get it. I figured others feel the same.
12. Favorite Christmas movies? A Christmas Story and The Christmas Toy (by Jim Henson)
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Depends upon the year. This year, started in November and I'm almost finished now!
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? When asked to, such as "White Elephant" gifts.
15. Favorite food to eat on Christmas? Is hot chocolate a food?
16. Colored or white lights? Colored lights
17. Favorite Christmas Song? Jingle Bells
18. Travel during Christmas or Stay home? Depends upon the year. This year, we get to stay home and have Christmas at our new home for the first time.
19. Can you name Santa's reindeer's? Of course! Can't everyone?
20. Angel or Star on Tree top? Neither...It's a fairy god mother. :D
21. Open presents on Christmas Eve or morning? First thing in the morning on Christmas (however if we're going to someone's house to celebrate Christmas, we'll normally open one present at home before we leave)
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? How some people become crazy over pointless things trying stressing out over having the perfect Christmas. They forget that this time of year has nothing to do with buying a perfect gift but about just enjoying being with family and friends.