Oct 19, 2009 18:55
Well, I've decided I'm never doing business with Wells Fargo again. They're not customer service orientated and are only out to make as much money as they can for themselves.. Let me get to the meat of the matter..
With one of my loans through them, I had been making extra principle payments on it via the web. Wells Fargo has now dropped the ability for a person to make a principle payment over the web to their loan. They said that the button that allows you to make a principle payment with (mind you, it's a radio button on a form that was NOT discontinue..only the radio button was taken off the form) was causing over 50% of the payment fraud happening at their bank. Now then, my thoughts are that if this is the case, you have damn bad programmers.. Or good programmers who were funneling the principle payments into their own off-country bank account.. Either way, removing this functionality is NOT customer service oriented! By removing the button, you're allowing the bank to make more money, for if you pay towards your loan electroincally, you have to place it towards the whole payment, which means that the extra money you're putting on the laon will go towards the interest on the loan instead of the principle.
IF a customer want to make a principle payment through Wells Fargo, you have to either send a check, go to one of their banks to place the money on your loan, or set up a bank account with them to transfer the money out of that bank account (and even then, you're only allowed 2 transfers per month). WTF? In this day and age where you're worried about electronic transfer fraud, you want me to send a check through the mail where there's more chance of mail fraud? Or set up a bank account with your sorry bank so you can use my money for your own affairs? Grrrrr...
I asked to have my electronic transfer dis-engaged becaused of the exchange I had with their customer service (more than likely outsourced to India by the "pleasant" way they told me to go screw myself). I was told that they could not electronically unhook my bank account at the time I requested it. That I had to fill out some paperwork and send it back in to them to show I no longer wanted to have my account hooked up. ARG!!! And, of course, they reminded me that I needed to keep in mind that it will take 10 business days for it to be unhooked once they receive my notice. I must keep this in mind because if I don't time things right they may take 2 payments our of my account (one for the check and one for the transfer) or they may not get a check that month and thus will scar my credit report..
Needless to say, Wells Fargo has completely and totally lost all of my business. I'm looking now on how to re-finance my home loan with another company so they can no longer get any more money from that one. Unfortuantely, the loan mentioend above I feel that I'm screwed on due to the devaluation of my home... There's no way I can get out from under their power on this one until home prices come back in several years. :( Here's hoping to hitting the lottery...
wells fargo