where ever there's warm laundry Underwearman will be there

Nov 20, 2004 09:30

Alright so now its been a week so ill finally get my lazy ass to write about last weekend before i get another weekend behind in posts. Cause really the weekends is all i have to post about the rest of the week is so boring and repetative.

St. Catherines ... What an Awesome weekend cant wait to go back. lol people are already in the midst of throwing around ideas of when maybe even niagara falls in the summer!!!

So i booked Friday afternoon off work which worked out great cause i was sick and didnt feel like working and it perisited the whole weekend. we wanted to get on our way early cause its like a little over a 3hour trip and we werent perfectly sure on our directions so we wanted to arrive with a little daylight behind us... that didnt actually happen but we found the place no problem thanks to my awesome navagation skills j/k it was thanks to Tonya's route she had mapped out very well.
Orginally we were only gonna take one car but when we stopped at di's house to pick up some essentials from her mother to give to her (thats whos house were gonna be staying at in st. Catherines) cause shes a uni student and flat broke anyways her mommy really loves her and sent up enough food to last her through the winter lol anyways it became clear we were gonna need another car to get everyone and all there stuff up.
Tonya agreed to drive too so i went with her and sabs nat and faith all rode together. ...on the trip out to tons a few of us had already started drinking and sabs thought it good to drink hard alcohol in the back of Faiths car. sab-"Faith stop moving your car so i can pour my drink"
The drive up was lots of fun Ton and i can entertain ourselves not to mention all the darting and dodging we did trying to pass and repass Faith on the 401 but damn there were a lot of smokies on the road, on the 403 went right through a radar trap at first i didnt realize why ton hit the brakes then i seen lol like four cruisers all together. The ride home was good too yeah disco and tropical bongo music plus i learned a new game "beer whiskey keggar".

okay its not a drinking game but then again anygame can be a drinking game.
If you see a car with a light out you yell beer for a truck van or suv its whiskey and for big rigs its keggar and you try to be the first peron to yell out the right word ... and hope tonya's mom doesnt call right when you scream BEER lol

Stopped in some town outside of hamilton for dinner at mc d's ... i eat way to much fast food on the weekends. but it was great fun with natalie and her toy elasta girl. who can preform sexual acts on herself.
Once in st.caty we had to make the all important lcbo run got a 26 of vodka and split on a case of beer with ton which i pretty much drank, stupidly i thought a 26 was gonna last me the whole weekend .. it barely made it through the first night.

They hawain lua(sp) at di's house was tons o' fun even if i did only last till 1:00 or a lil later where i was found on the bathroom floor ... but i didnt give up any alcy to the porcelain god just got too tired to stand.
i was kinda bummed that neely didnt come to the party or that i didnt see him at all that weekend. I met lots of new people that were really cool, ... haha some were even more brockvillians woo nicole and gillian. wally i dont remember where your from but you were alright too lol and Darren was nice enough to make me egg rolls and i scared the crap outta Nicole when i guessed her lj name outta nowhere.

Ahh ohh cant forget Krystal was at the party and she didnt get really drunk infact i dont even remember her drinking!
Was a great party indeed played a bit o kings been awhile since ive done that and we all were smashed by the end of it.
I got nicole very drunk ... im so bad but me and her are awesome at Kareoke(sp) so its all good even if i didnt know the song at all.
woke up that morning made friends with some random guy passed out on the couch or not so random as he was waiting for Faith to get up haha but i guess she wasnt interested in a peice of this guy and he eventually got the hint and took off and then i get in trouble for talking to him and keeping him around lol how was i supposed to know?

Went to the mall on sat shoulda figured thats what i get for going on a road trip with 4 girls but it was amusing none the less... myself -"Hey you kick babies too!!" then parents with newborn running away haha i make myslef laugh.
Almost forgot when we got back i found a belly dancing video and it turns out i have a real talent for it ... might have to make a career change lol

Saturday night we went to Big Bucks aparently the best dance club in st catty im not much of a dance club fan but it was lots of fun till i even got up and danced haha got the whole table doing the cougar bear dance. a dresden thing.
Gillian was a really good dancer! go sprinkler and other stuff, Sabrina is good to nothing like doing the can-opener on the bench and almost getting kicked outlol actually everyone had a good time dancing. Tonya, Gillian,Nicole and I were all tired so we left early but that quickly ended when we got in the cab and my harrassment of the poor driver began haha
Then we were up till like 4:00 waiting for the others to get back just so i could jump out and attack them in my underwear with a towel for a cape.

wow that was a long post i hate reading ling posts too damn it sorry for anyone who actually reads this i could keep going too we havnt even made it back home yet to have chineese from the Lucky Kitchen sooo good!!
thanks everyone for the great weekend!! To everyone in StCatty you guys rock hope to see you again!
For all the Dresden buds that was another great weekend love you girls!
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