I spent the first 32 years of my life in New Jersey. I make this statement, because it still amaze me that I might have to drive an hour or more, now that I live in Pennsylvania, to find things that were always so easily obtained in New Jersey.
I was looking to buy dry ice. My local Ice House does not sell it, and when I asked the nice gentleman
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Then again? I have ALWAYS allowed movies like The Mummy, King Arthur, LOTR, etc? Anything that MIGHT have a smidge of historical relevance? And never allowed stuff that's just for shits and giggles gore.
I'm asking Xerty cuz he's seen the movies I have not seen. On Hellboy he says, "The language is pretty mild...the violence is mostly against like, stupid monsters and crap. There's a few people dying in it."
Snakes, "I'd say no to Snakes...there's sex in it, titties...snakes biting penises..." (You don't SEE the actual penis.)
Lake Placid 1, "Are they gonna be scared by seeing a giant alligator eating people? How scared are they?"
I think it's entirely based on the kids and you. :)
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