Sep 15, 2004 14:37
the other day francois said we were gonna go see Mrs. V. so i was like alright last night he told me he bought her a balloon that had a ITS A BOY on it..and he told me to make a sean, joel and i spent like an hour looking for just the right holiday and picture to put on the we decided on Hug an Australian Day..and a picture of that show The Dinosaurs from when we were little...
So 2nd hour, Francois, Ashley, Greg V, Greg H, Kayla and I met outside portable 12 to give her the stuff..and we went in singing happy birthday...(i still havnt figured tha one out bc her birthdays in june) but w/e...
mrs. V just did that little smile she does when somone dosnt understand somthing or when she gets embarrassed and dosnt want to speak...its a funny smile...anyway...shes like WHAT IS THIS..and we were like...we came to see you mrs. V...and shes umm ok...then she was like..>"How did i know you guys were friends" that made me smile bc you really can tell that we're friends :) :) :)
then the bell rang..and they were all like...wanna give us passes? and she totally did..i couldnt believe she wrote out like 6 passes..thats why shes so awesome..i have her class 2nd i just stayed there...
That was definatly the highlight of my day though...
first hour...interior design...she held up these fabrics..and she was like..these are so ugly..and i was like I LIKE THEM..CAN I HAVE THEM?!?! and shes like umm i guess...i mainly did it bc she said they were ugly and i like arguing with her...
in Art History we watched Sister Windy at the end of class..and shes this Nun who tells you about art and stuff...and ive decided...Nuns can do pretty much w/e they whos gonna stop a nun?!??!i know i wouldnt...she was just like walking all through Pompei even though its like a restricted area...seriously though, nuns are free to do as they please...too bad they're arnt too many fun nuns who take advantage of that
Umm at lunch...i went inside..and i hate being inside B days bc they're is NOOOO room at the i went outside with francois...when im around all of them..they talk SOOO fast and SOO much..and ill chime in with somthing and no one will listen..its pretty funny..i told this girl she had Kankles today..but she didnt i usually end up talking to francois the whole time...
thats about it..Tonight possibly going to storys? then maybe cois is sleepin over?? idk about the last one..i just said he could if he wanted to