Hard Time, Chapter 1

Aug 27, 2007 12:14

Title: Hard Time Ch 1/?
Author: Juwel (juweldom@yahoo.com)
Pairings: Draco/Harry (Draco-centric), insinuated Crabbe/Goyle
Rating: Adult
Catetories: romance, darkfic, hurt/comfort, kink
Warnings: SPOILERS for DH, compliant with DH except for the epilogue. Warnings for darkfic, rape, submission and domination, and mentions of child abuse.
Archive: just ask.
Characters: This chapter: Draco, Goyle, Adrian Pucey
Disclaimer: The characters in this fic are the property of J.K. Rowling and not mine, sadly. That doesn't seem to have stopped anyone from using them in truly sick and demented ways. No money is being made from this.

Summary: The war is over, and the Death Eaters must do hard time in Azkaban.

Notes: Yes, I’m actually going to attempt my first multi-chapter HP fic, after a long hiatus from writing slash (mostly LOTR and x-men). This is not going to be fluffy, but rather angsty and dramatic. Many thanks to Bunny for the beta.

1780 wds
Chapter One: A Rock and a Hard Place
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