Hamlet AU Fic: "At This Chance"

Sep 03, 2009 12:43

Title: At This Chance
Play: Hamlet
Pairing: Obscured until the end, I fear. Bear with me.
Rating: PG-13
Open/Closed: It's open in that I may add to it at a later date, yes.
Notes: I wrote this in the wake of seeing the English Touring Theatre production of the play in November 2005. Ed Stoppard did an intriguing (if not brilliant) job as the prince, and the actor playing Horatio, whose name I now forget, was wonderful. In any case, this story owes to their performances and also to that of the cast of Shakespeare on the Common's summer 2005 production. I've never seen their likes. This is an AU not because I've taken it wildly out of historical context, but because I fundamentally change the course of events. This story isn't new; I'm posting it here for archival purposes. Thanks to the mods for starting an AU community - I think it's a great idea!
Summary: Even this ending may chance to be more than it seems.

(The king comes to breakfast at half past ten, and not a moment sooner.)

author: irisbleufic, play: hamlet

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