WTF Wednesday - Round 100.5 (Not actually Wednesday, but Look! Christmas!)

Dec 25, 2009 18:27

If you've missed the last few linkies, you'll probably want to check this out.

Ahhh, as I sit back from my post Christmas feeding frenzy, I digest, and marvel at my new toys and figured now was as good a time to update the linkies for Christmas as any other. I've got a handful of Christmas-y links for your enjoyment today, and I swear, I have nothing as bad as "Santasm" from last year.

  • Santa wants to wish you a merry Christmas, dammit.

  • All the classic Christmas stories have a villain whose sole pleasure is the misery of children but, through the magic of the holidays, ultimately learns a lesson about love, charity, and the Spirit of Giving: The Grinch’s heart grew three sizes, Scrooge bought a Christmas goose, and Randy Quaid gave Chevy Chase a white slave. Everything worked out for the best. Real life, however, doesn’t always play so nicely. Here are six unrepentant criminals who tried to ruin Christmas, and holiday miracles be damned; they still just don’t give a fuck.

  • Speaking of ruining Christmas, I'm sure you already heard about the pope tackler but if not... there you go. SMASH POOOOPE. Edit: quick addition... the story's the same but the headline is accidentally hilarious. Oh my laaawd.

  • This is so deliriously Christmas-y, I don't know what to do with myself. (It's a Mooray eel! That's one letter from being "hooray!")

  • Havey ourself a merry environmentally sound Christmaaaas, may all your electric eel make your trees be briiight!

  • Ahahah, I like to call this one trolling the kid with raisins. You may want to read the background story here, but then jump back to the previous link posted. It's better read than me trying to explain what exactly happens, because it's hilarious.

  • Oh fuuuuck. It seems the Dark Knight has snuck his way into Christmas in the Dark Knight kills Christmas. I laughed so much.

  • Is it an epic fail or epic win? May be mildly NSFW but only ever so slightly.

  • Okay, this one has very little to do with Christmas, I'll admit, but Frosty the Snowman IS taking part in the action. Disney orgy video is also probably a bit NSFW but seriously: I think we all guessed that they probably do this backstage.

  • FUUUU, IT'S SO DAMN CUTE. The world's smallest snowman. Why? Because science can. Literally, that's the reason.

  • Santa is a motherf'n gangsta. But you knew that. And it's actually a pretty good rap, ahahah.

  • Found this one on the net about two weeks ago, I figure it'd be lovely for today. Here is one acapella group's interpretation of the 12 days of Christmas. Love it.

  • Pffft.... and to end, A Visit To Santa (1963) a.k.a. Vinnie from Jersey in a Basement The description on YouTube is very lenghthy but about 80% of the hilarity. Exert: " Little Dick and Ann are off to bed on Christmas Eve. The brats don't go to sleep as Mother instructed, and the siblings discuss the letter they sent to Santa. It appears Santa is just getting to their letter now, requesting to visit him at the North Pole before Christmas... apparently Santa Claus lives in North Pole New Jersey and is known as Vinnie 364 days a year." Oh god. Merry Christmas everyone.
  • disney, video games, wtf, religion, toy, under da sea, animals, music, videos, photos, when fandom attacks, kids, links tiem, drugs, lists, ways in which they fail, epic lulz

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