Luna's (Not So) Lunes Linkies - Round 31

Sep 03, 2008 18:34

OHGODIAMSOTIRED. No linkies last week since I was out of town and no linkies put up this past weekend to make up for it because of pure and utter chaos. That means expect Round 32 to be up either later tonight or tomorrow. Since a load of you have since gone back to school, I suspect you're looking for some time wasting brain breaks right now. Fortunately, I can provide both the breaking of your brain while you take a break and rest your brain. It works for everyone:

  • Yes, I would like a giant 22-foot robot made entirely out of excess styrofoam. It's like you're reading my mind, man!

  • Not that I don't wish them the best or anything, but I'm a bit amazed there's nothing wrong with the children: woman in India has twins at age 70. O_O

  • Evolution isn't perfect, but seriously? Here's six formerly-kickass animals, ruined by evolution. I was actually watching a show about number three today, but I'm a bit sad that my FAVORITE example of things like this didn't make number one, much less the list.

  • ...What is my favorite example of evolution going "LOLPWNED?" you ask me? Well, go ahead and read about it for yourself.

  • On note of the PREVIOUS two articles, here's a truly brain breaking video. It's a viral classic now, but it never fails to make me WTF.

  • And to end, let's put a smile on that face, after I'm sure to have made you D: once: heavy metals monks release second album. (Thanks gotlivingdead!)

  • ~*~*~

    More linkies either later tonight or tomorrow. Expect to see expanded tags for these entries in the near future.

    music, food, robots, videos, wtf, sex, kids, science, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), links tiem, art, omgwant, animals

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