Luna's (Not So) Lunes Linkies - Round 19.7 (Moderately Depressing Day)

Jun 10, 2008 00:01

In case you've missed what's going on...

Ahhh yes. The day that nearly didn't happen. And despite the fact I'm literally bouncing off the walls with excitement for Otakon, I've got to lay the depressing news on ya. Yet again, we've got marvelous moments of people doing things that make you go, "now why would you do that?" and not in a good way. ...At least tomorrow is videos day, which I promise to start off with something super cute.

  • In recent news from across the pond, a teen faces prosecution for telling the truth calling Scientology a cult. Oh nice, the London police received bribes to rear the kid in too. Fabulous. (Thanks for the article goes to either serke or gotlivingdead, if not both. Sorry guys, I forgot to mark down the credit when I got it. Let me know so I can edit appropriately)

  • A teacher in Florida lost his job recently. Not because he did anything wrong, per say, but for doing a magic trick that made a toothpick "disappear" in front of his class. The school district, however, is calling it "wizardry."

  • More in the land of schooling: a teacher let a class of kindergartners vote one of their fellow classmates out of the class because they didn't like him. Wait, what? This is in Florida too? (Thanks fuckaramark)

  • "Evangelical pastors are helping to create a terrible new campaign of violence against Nigerians ...branded as evil are being abused, abandoned and even murdered while the preachers make money out of the fear of their communities." Oh yeah, and the focus of the Nigerian witch hunt is mostly children.

  • Not only is McDonald's not serving tomatoes for the time being (well... regular ones at least), but they apparently refuse to serve people without hands too. At least the comments on the tomato article are lulzy.

  • It's apparently great to be a kid in certain parts of the world right now. "Aboriginal children in Outback Australia are so neglected by their alcoholic parents that some have suckled from dogs' teats in a desperate search for food."

  • Also, let's force kids who go to public school to go to Bible classes without their parent's permission. (At least it's not in Florida this time.)

  • In international news, way to d-bag someone: Hotel mistakes Nobel laureate for bag lady.

  • Suspiciously, my original link for this story has died. Regardless all your citizens are belong to U.S.: "US says it has right to kidnap British citizens."

  • And to end, a (morbidly fascinating) story about Cleveland's Suicide Bridge. D:

  • The bad side? You guys are probably a little depressed now. The good side? This literally will never happen again in the linkies. Also, some really spaz-tastic days are ahead.

    word prompt, dogs, douchebag, wtf, religion, magic, scientology, sweet jeebus no щ(゚Д゚щ), africa, stupid, food, death, kids, politics, links tiem, skool, ways in which they fail

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