Luna (Not So) Lunes Linkies - Round Thirteen

Apr 24, 2008 22:02

Sorry for the massive delay!! But still, thirteen weeks of this and this was the longest you all had to wait... I think I've had a pretty good streak. Still, I really need to get my other backup "oh fuck, it's Wednesday" entry up again. I have all the links for such a day saved already: I just fail. I was commenting to serke about the spike increase in comments I get when I don't have an entry up. XD

  • Meet Mr. "I Am Morally Without Sin". He wins douche-bag of the year. Also: we're all apparently going to hell.

  • Here's a tale of the weirdest not robbery ever. There's something brilliant and disturbing about that one.

  • Did you know there's a giant pink bunny eating a mountain-side? I somehow missed that one on the news. D= However, it also inspires me to attempt to sew it in replica-miniature.

  • Japanese TV is still better than your TV. WHAT WOULD WE DO WITHOUT WAX-FROSTING TV?

  • Not very lulz-y, but I came across this website awhile back that had photos of the girls of the Israel army. Amazing shots there; I personally think the eighth one down is stunning.

  • Since I was talking to serke about this today and couldn't quite remember the context, I felt I should put this up: 120-year tortoise adopts baby hippo. Sorry it wasn't a bunny Lan, however, part of me just wants to sing about "only in Kenya".

  • I give most of my favorites special descriptions in my awesome links folder, so that it helps me organize them and makes things easier for me when I want to pull them back up. This final link had the distinct honor of being labeled "FUCKING HORNET" for about two months now. Unfortunately, every time I pass by it, I always forget what it's about and think it's about... well. Yeah. If that intro hasn't scared you away, check out the final link: the best flier I have ever seen.

  • MINI-EDIT: Since I was late with the linkies, as penance, I decided to give you guys an idea as to what my awesome links folder looks like by doing a quick screen shot of a section of the folder. As you can see, most of the links have their own mini-descriptions I write in, so I can more easily pull them up at a future date... I mostly post this so you can sit in anticipation/horror for the weeks to come.

    Also, I still have something close to 200 links left in my folder. O_O

    creepy crawlies, weirdos, japan, videos, photos, douchebag, wtf, religion, links tiem, art, smooth criminal, africa, ways in which they fail, epic lulz, animals

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