Aug 14, 2005 23:34 weekend was amazing and terrible..started out friday..drove up to Beulah(first time ever going up north past lansing)..set up camp in the campground..went swimming in Crystal Lake..subway for dinner..walked around camp site..played a lil poker & pool..went to bed..woke up to a freezing morning..went to go run the Crystal Lake Team Marathon..chris started it off..then my brother..then julian..then estevan..and the me..i had to run the longest one..i did 6.2miles..they all did 5..mann i felt good for he first two miles..then my pain from my past hit me in my right hurt me in the 3rd 4th and the 5th mile..and the last mile it was dull enough that i didnt even notice it..after the race..i couldnt evn walk for awhile..swam a lil to relax it..but didnt help..we came in 22nd overall within 100 teams..6th in our age group..and beat the last team's time from fitzgerald that ran it by over EIGHT minutes..we ran 2:50.38 for the whole time for 10K was 37:18..and then went back to camp..broke it down..and drove to Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes..we went to hill 7..i was the 450 feet high..the sight was breath taking..first i didnt plan on going down cause of the knee was once in a life time i slowly etched downward..almost falling three the bottom we spelled out "FITZ"..then the climb back up was & chris took crawl up the hill..the good part bout that was it did not hurt at all going up..but thats bout back yesterday at 11..and then had work today from 7-3..yea..hopefully it goes back to normal soon..cause i HAVE to start training again for a race in two weeks..yea..i'm out..leave some if you want.