These Are The Papers I Am Leaving You For

Dec 09, 2008 22:35

One week to go before my papers for the term are due. I am screwed beyond reasonable belief. As such, I will be avoiding the fun parts of the internet as much as possible, but I wanted to just throw out why.
  • Reliquaries and The Portable Dead (2000 words, outlook unfavorable)
  • Early Shrines and English Saints (3000 words, outlook mild)
  • Critical Review of the Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Petersfinger (??? words, answer hazy try again)
The critical review one swerves between being about the excavation report and the excavation; said report was written in '53, so there's that. And one of my biggest issues is that they drew all the skeletons they dug up, (even though they took pictures of the goddamn artefacts) so the condition of the skeletons is guess work. And whose actual work would it be? I'm not really sure what happened to the remains after the excavation, though I have my theories. The head honcho worked for the Ashmolean museum in Oxford, so I'd bet either they, or the university, have them somewhere. Which actually gives me the option of calling someone up and asking them where the bodies are buried. Except that they're totally not buried, they're (at best) in a drawer somewhere.

Word to the wise, never let archaeologists excavate you, unless you don't mind spending eternity in a mislabeled storage box.

archaeology, papers, grad school, leeds

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