Oops, I Did It Again

Apr 28, 2008 21:43

This time, I got into Durham. It was a little bizarre; I got a form letter from the head of the Archaeology Department urging me to accept the University's offer so I could qualify for a bursary and I was like, "What offer? And what's a bursary? WHAT'S HAPPENING!?" I wish that was an exaggeration, but for the last month or so the e-mails I've gotten from the places I've applied to are all variations on the theme "We need X IMMEDIATELY. Where is it? Thank you." So I didn't know what to think.

But then, the official acceptance arrived and all was made clear! (A bursary is apparently the carrot they dangle over your head to get you to give them a 'yes' before a cut-off deadline.) And the anxiety set in. As with Glasgow, I find that now that the University wants me I don't trust them. For one thing, Durham works on the college system, like Oxford, and the college that wants me is Josephine Bulter college, the newest college. So new I'll bet if you ran your finger down the side it would squeak-- opened in October 2006. In addition to not trusting colleges that accept me, I definitely don't trust anything or anyone younger than me. (Reverse "don't trust anyone under 30" syndrome.)

Check it:

I'm really just not sure. It's like a freakish mix of UIC (modern and ugly and squat with no trees) and Smith (foggy and cottage-y) which frankly, terrifies me. But the blog I got that photo from also has a guy who toured the new college, and the way he described the facilities was mouth-watering. So I don't know. I liked it when Glasgow was the only place that accepted me, so I had somewhere to go and no choice to make.

decisions, grad school, durham

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