So, I’m looking over the Mother Jones list of Republican backing billionaires and I was rather intrigued to find that most of them are self-made men. The only real exceptions are the Koch brothers - their father was widely successful. Otherwise, these guys built their enormous fortunes. A few of them served in the military.
People like Gingrich and Santorum were only able to have their platform because of the backing of just one of these billionaires. It goes to show that if you’re a billionaire, nothing is beyond reach, not even picking the next president, but that there is competition in these things. It’s not a fixed game.
A lot of young liberals are clamoring over Bernie Sanders, but what billionaire in their right mind would support him? Fucking Ben & Jerry will be his biggest political donor - anyone talented enough to generate billions of dollars know that Clinton is their one and only shot at defeating a Republican. And yet, a Clinton election is a long shot.
Also, having separated from the military 8 years ago, I’m feeling pretty good. Relationship is back to normal, skydiving this weekend (how the fuck am I going to afford this?)