Power Levels
Since characters from different canons may fight from time to time, the below chart will assist in determining how well the fight might go for either party. This chart is not a be all and end all of course; a character might take out someone vastly superior to themselves through sheer luck or cleverness.
Physical Power:
This is an attribute showing how well your character could handle themselves in a fight that did not involve magic or powers, only hand to hand or standard weapons.
1. 1. Eeek! Don’t hurt me!
2. 2. Some understanding of how to fight, but no skill.
3. 3. A reasonably skilled normal such as a professional soldier.
4. 4. A well trained elite soldier.
5. 5. Basically, the best a normal human can be: Chuck Norris/Jackie Chan category.
6. A character with a six might seen normal to the untrained eye, but exceeds human capacity.
7. 7. A character with obviously superhuman skill or capacity, such as Kenshin.
8. 8. Hercules level, a character with an 8 is basically a demigod.
9. 9. A character with a 9 could easily trounce entire armies single-handedly. Think Sephiroth level.
10. A character with a ten could win a fistfight with god.
Metaphysical power
Metaphysical power covers magic, mutant powers, telepathic powers, or unusual ability specific to a magical race, such as unicorns or dragons. It may refer to a field of study or a single ability or talent of varying usefulness.
1. 1. A character with a 1 has barely existent or latent powers, with little to no real application.
2. 2. Some minor powers; like a Harry Potter wizard without a wand.
3. 3. Some ability, either a character with one useful ability, or an apprentice still in training.
4. 4. A reasonably capable magic user.
5. 5. A skilled and capable magic user, standard flight/energy blast mutant, a telepath capable of reading surface thoughts.
6. 6. A telepath capable of deep scans, a person capable of teaching a skilled magic user.
7. 7. A character with a 7 would stand out as uniquely powerful, even in a world of mutants and magic users.
8. 8. An extremely talented and unusually talented magic user. A telepath who can deconstruct and rebuild a person’s mind in one night.
9. 9. Nearly unlimited power, the character can affect reality, or cast nuclear explosions at will. Lina Inverse level before the giga slave.
10 10. Basically unlimited power, the ability to alter reality, reverse time, or destroy worlds; think Dark Phoenix.
Intelligence, in this context, is a measurement of how well your character can deduce things from context, and how quickly or effectively they can solve puzzles or riddles. This may be useful in determining how well your character can keep secrets or detect secrets, and of course, how well they can navigate the Labyrinth. {Please note that there is no god modding, ask before revealing character secrets.]
1. 1. A character who becomes so lost in a straight hallway that they require a search party.
2. 2. A character able to navigate his/her own neighborhood.
3. 3. A character able to navigate his/her own city.
4. 4. A person who can follow a map in a strange city, or find their way out of the woods without assistance.
5. 5. Excellent sense of direction and a keen knack for spotting details. This character is pretty much never lost by mundane means.
6. 6. This characters knack for solving problems almost seems supernatural.
7. 7. This is where you would put Sherlock Holmes, not only can this person solve problems and deduce events entirely from items even skilled investigators would overlook, but they can find their way through the magical misdirection of the Labyrinth with only minor mishaps.
8. 8. A character with an 8 can intuit most changes in the Labyrinth and find their way past most of the traps.
9. 9. A character with a 9 can expect to travel from place to place in the Labyrinth without getting lost.
1 10. This person has already calculated every possible way the Labyrinth can change or misdirect and has calculated the most direct means of travel though the Labyrinth.
New Characters, please fill out the form below. Please remember that 10s must be mod approved.