Are You Mentally Sound Enough?

Dec 13, 2005 01:08

Are you mentally sound enough to take a hallucinogenic drug?
Unlike other drugs, hallucinogens have mostly unpredictable mind bending properties. In my opinion, there is a level of mental stability that must be reached before you can have a trip that is both pleasurable and under control. No, I'm not saying that you can be "too stupid for acid" as some people phrase it. Intelligence has nothing to do with it, and neither do things like grades. What I'm talking about is overall mental soundness, in other words the ability to control your strong emotions and the ability to feel content with yourself.
Right now I am on a hallucinogen. This isn't an everyday thing for me: I am an opiate junkie, and I am content with that label that applies to a small portion of my life. I've incorporated that aspect of myself into my identity, as I now know for certain that there is no escaping it. It's different with opiates, especially heroin. These drugs are analgesics, in other words they relieve pain. Their main mechanism of action is not really showing something new, it's taking something undesirable away: as the needle slips into my vein and I push down on the plunger I am released from physical pain, emotional anguish, stress, and all the worries of the world. This feeling in itself generates a new worldview: a perspective on a world where there is no more negative because everything has been neutralized. It's a feeling I have grown to adore, though I was probably not emotionally mature enough when I first started out on these drugs. Even though I have a well established drug of choice, when I am not physically dependent (and I'm not at the moment) I love to experiment with new chemical techniques as well as new intoxicants.
Drugs like heroin and cocaine, as well as alcohol and club drugs, require a lesser degree of mental awareness than the hallucinogenics because they only exert influence on your mindset rather than completely and unpredictably altering it. You never know what to expect when taking a hit of LSD: that it why I advocate starting out with a steady mental state. Make sure you have your emotions under control and your negative feeling in check, or you could be in for the worst experince of your life. Even if you think you can handle everything, keep this in mind; because on a strong hallucinogen there is a fine line between a great evening and a nightmare. I recommend to be aware of your own emotional maturity, because for any drug that is what defines whether you grow and amass experience through your exploits, or get brainfucked. Emotional maturity is the key to a good drug experience. There is no need to alter something that is grossly underdevoloped. Party safely. There will be more drug related editorials to follow.
Love, Sash~
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