SPN Ep: Alex Annie Alexis Ann

Apr 22, 2014 21:40

Look who's posting on time for once!

Was this a new director? I didn't recognize the name. ::iz stoopid and looks on IMDb:: Yep, it looks like he's never directed Show before. That explains why it didn't feel like a Supernatural episode to me.

It actually felt more like a special vampire episode of Justified. Mama and Alex reminded me so much of Mags Bennett and Loretta. Loretta wasn't Mags' biological child either, and Mags' boys were all super jealous of the pedestal their mama put Loretta on because she was the only girl. And Loretta, too, didn't come to be part of the Bennett family by legal means. The stories also ended the same way, with Loretta and Alex as the last ones standing.

And there's another reason the name "Bennett" was stuck in my head. I spent the whole episode trying to figure out where I knew Mama from. It turns out Ashley Crow played Sandra Bennet on Heroes.

Odds on whether Jody keeps Alex? I imagine that will be up to Alex, but I would be surprised if they didn't stay together at least for awhile. The sad thing is that Alex is really going to need all the therapy ever, definitely at a professional level as opposed to a sympathetic ear, but who can she go to? If she tries to tell any regular therapist about getting kidnapped by vampires and her Stockholm Syndrome with the nest, they'd commit her and put her on the heavy drugs. I've been saying for years that some hunter's kid out there who doesn't want to or can't hunt needs to get a psychology degree and hang out a shingle for all the hunters and victims of the supernatural who need therapy but can't get it because they can't tell a regular therapist the truth about what happened to them.


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