H50 Ep: Hoku Welowelo

Mar 07, 2014 22:18

I wish I knew what was going on with this show.

Did Danny's mom just get more screen time and character development in an episode than he did? Where the heck has Scott been all season? He missed less time from work when he had knee surgery.

Clara softening whatever blow Danny's about to be dealt with tuna salad sandwiches struck a chord with me. My dad liked to break bad news to me in the middle of restaurants so he wouldn't have to deal with any pesky and inconvenient emotions I might have. Then he couldn't understand why I spent every spontaneous restaurant outing stressing out waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Does Catherine not live with Steve? She seemed to always be there at times like first thing in the morning where it would make sense that she did, but then shouldn't Steve maybe ask her if it was okay if Jerry moved in for an indeterminate amount of time? Of course Steve was apparently raised by wolves and can be startlingly inconsiderate of other people's feelings, so who knows.

Why is the show suddenly retconning the reason Steve stayed in Hawaii to head Five-0? If Freddie's death was such an important factor in that decision-making process, why did we not know he even existed until season 3? And while losing Freddie was certainly traumatic enough for Steve to be having nightmares about it, why wait until season 4 to show us that? Why not drop hints of it all along? It's been almost a year since Freddie's episode.

And dare I ask why Steve is reaching out to Grover for his little heart-to-hearts? Has Danny not been there for him all along? Does he think Danny can't relate to personal loss? Because Danny totally told him about losing his partner Grace on 9/11. The more I see of Steve & Grover and Steve & Danny this season, the more it seems like Danny is being relegated to the kids table while the grown-ups talk. And Steve is also in a committed relationship with a former naval officer who also understands loss and knows the whole Freddie story. I mean these are theoretically the two people he's closest to in the world (I'm totally not counting Doris or Mary as reliable emotional support), so why go to Grover?

Ugh. I never watched this show for the writing plot-wise, but it used to excel at character development. Now it seems like we just get good character moments--like the cute scene with Danny and his mom at the end--randomly tacked on.

hawaii five-0

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