Heroes Ep: Brave New World

Feb 08, 2010 22:41

Hey, somebody got my memo on continuity!

I love it when the show remembers that Peter has medical training. I would've liked to see a little bit more of him treating Matt while they were talking though. Yes, Peter doing medical things is a kink for me. I blame a lifetime of watching Emergency! reruns.

Yay for the roof of the trailer failing! Just as I was wondering how that thin metal roof could hold up 4-5 stories of dirt, it caved in. And yay for the oxygen running out while Claire and HRG were buried under all that dirt and only had a limited air supply! Although I suspect the air might have lasted a lot longer if they hadn't both spent so much time shouting while not listening to each other. I think they had at least 3 go-rounds of you-have-to-hide/the-world-is-ready-to-accept-us. And that was before they got out of the trailer.

But then, just as I was basking in the glow of all that continuity, Claire had to go and prove she hasn't been watching the show much. Maybe it won't be so bad? Really? I guess you forgot about The Company kidnapping random specials, tagging them, wiping their memories, and spying on them for the rest of their lives to make sure they weren't a danger to society. And then there was the containment facility Nathan thought was a good idea, but I can see how you could forget something like that since Nathan kept cutting you loose and sending you home. But remember Danko and how he panicked so hard at finding out specials existed that he wanted to kill them all instead of rounding them up? Yeah, maybe it won't be so bad. Maybe this time you'll be incarcerated on a tropical island with your own masseuse. Banana daiquiris for everyone!

How did Tracy rescue Claire and HRG? I know she can fit through that little hole she made when she turns to water, but she can't turn other people to water, can she? So how did Claire and HRG fit through the hole? But speaking of continuity again, hooray for remembering that Tracy is on the show!

I absolutely loved Charlie in this episode. She could have been bitter about being kidnapped and plopped down in some strange place in a time possibly before even her parents were born, but instead she bloomed where she was planted and made a fantastic life for herself, a life she wouldn't give up so that Hiro could "fix" the timeline. Because if Hiro took her right back to the Burnt Toast Diner, Charlie's 4 kids and 7 grandkids would never have been born. She still loved Hiro, but she wouldn't give up 65 years of the life she knew to start over and have that life never happen.

I'm kind of sorry Sylar is all cured now, because his old self would have killed Eric Doyle in a heartbeat. I wish somebody would. That guy makes my skin crawl.

Although I was kind of hoping for a bigger showdown (you'd think I'd have learned by now), I kind of liked that Samuel was defeated because his "family" finally saw that he was just using them and walked out, thus depriving him of the source of his power.

Which is not to say that I didn't like Peter ambushing Samuel so that he could fight Samuel with his own ability. I have to say that I wasn't originally a big fan of Peter only having one power at a time, but it's forced him to prioritize, and he's been really smart about which powers he's grabbed and when. And for an idealistic little guy, Peter throws a nice punch.

I guess the only thing that really annoyed me was Claire outing the existence of specials to the world. I know that all she's ever wanted was to be accepted for who she is and not have to hide, but she had no right to make that call for everyone. I guess it will depend on what she says next, but if she tells the whole truth about what happened at the Hammerspace Carnival, she'll be outing the existence of specials everywhere, not just herself. Besides, isn't this the first step that leads to the timeline 4 years in the future (3 years in the future now?) where Ando killed Hiro, Claire killed Peter, and Peter came back in time to shoot Nathan? Or have I lost track of the time travel shenanigans again?

It looks like Kring decided to gamble on the show getting renewed instead of re-editing the season finale for closure. I wasn't really hoping for the show's renewal until the last couple of episodes, but now I kind of am. Especially if Milo and Zach get many, many more scenes together. I'm looking forward to seeing if Sylar's reform sticks this time. It's really easy to just say no to brains when you're trapped without access to any.

heroes_meta, heroes

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