Too. Much. Meta. Cannot brain.
That's it, the show has officially gone to the meta well one too many times in too few episodes. I could probably have coped with it better if they'd been spread out a little more, but this has been the Season of Meta. I don't even feel like I'm watching a TV show about 2 demon-hunting brothers anymore, just Jensen and Jared and the writers talking about the show and its characters.
Would I have liked this episode more if it hadn't come at the end of a long line of meta episodes? Probably not. We didn't really learn anything new about Sam or Dean in the meta part of the ep; the writers just took what we already knew and said it out loud, which wasn't enough to hang a whole episode on. Plus, the MOTW plot was pretty dull. The wraith wasn't scary and the case wrapped up too easily.
It wasn't a very visually appealing episode either. Everything looked kind of flat, and everyone looked like they had really bad skin and weren't wearing make-up. I mean, I know Supernatural isn't the most bright and colorful show ever and I like it that way, but this just looked like bad film stock or something.
It's a shame Sam and Dean can't help each other right now. I think they want to, but they have diametrically opposed coping mechanisms. Sam keeps trying to get Dean to talk, but talking has never been helpful for Dean. Meanwhile, Dean wants Sam to repress his issues like Dean does, but Sam isn't very good at repressing things. It would be way better if Sam, analytical type that he is, tried to figure out why he's so angry all the time and kill the issue at its source. I just don't think that swallowing more anger is the way to go here. Plus, all that repressing has just led to insomnia and heavy drinking for Dean, so maybe he needs to look at a different page in his playbook too.