Fic: Revisions - History Lesson

Apr 21, 2009 16:04

SERIES: Revisions
CHARACTERS: Catherine Weaver
RATING: PG-13 for series
WORD COUNT: <1,000
WARNINGS: Spoilers for all of season 2.
NOTES: I'm going out of town again so I'm hoping to post one more part some time in the next 24 hours if I can work up enough spit and polish to get it post worthy. Oh and don't worry, I promise this bit is relevant.
SUMMARY: Fate, God or John Connor offers the chance for some lives to be lived again. Part 4: In which we take a look back at one of many beginnings.
Additional: Late to the Game? No worries, there's plenty of action in the cheap seats: (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)

Lest We Be Doomed to Repeat It

fic: gen

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