Best Story EVER!!

Aug 13, 2004 00:02

So many of you know that I bought a couch for my room. This has to be the best story of a couch I've ever heard. So my brother and I drove it down to Corvallis last night. When we got it inside we cut everything open and took out the mattress (its a sleeper couch) and all the pillows and cushions. We then got it up the stairs with the help of Jesse. When we tried to get it inside the hall we found ourselves in a slight problem. The couch would not fit through the door into the hall way because of an exit sign that was above the door and it was a very narrow part of the hall. As we looked for other options I had a brilliant idea... bring it up the fire escape into the hall way and then down the hall. After we looked and saw the couch would not fit up the fire escape into the sleeping porch we continued to look. We then had the idea to run it up the fire escape out my window and try and put it through my window over the 3' gap from the fire escape to my window sill. At this time our saving grace came around the corner. Stretch, the 7'1" friendly bum of Corvallis came around the corner. This man is genius. He, being a mechanical engineer from the class of 68 or something like that, had us put a ladder up to the window. My little brother climbs up the ladder to test its durability and barely makes it because the ladder is so weak. We decide to proceed anyways. We put a piece of cardboard on the ladder and begin to slide the couch up. Jesse gets underneath the ladder and acts as a tripod and prevents it from breaking and me plunging to my death. Since it takes two people to push the couch, Stretch decided to ride my ass up the ladder and push from behind. Unfortunately for me, his pants keep falling off and I am almost rammed numerous times from our ever so friendly bum. Needless to say when we were done we got the couch through the window, me anally raped, and Stretched walked away both laid and with beer. He had a good night, I had to wash my shorts and my room is now complete. How can you top a night like that...
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