Oct 30, 2005 21:02
So today I am no longer a teenager, I'm freaking 20 years old...two decades...wow...it seems so much older when you say two decades. But I do look dead sexy in my two new suits...and by dead sexy, I mean almost not hideous.
I've seen three movies over this weekend and I have some strange urge to comment on them all.
Wedding Crashers: Showed quite a few breastessesssesssesss (I'm not complaining) and was actually somewhat original and funny...although I do have the urge to go crash a wedding or two. Anybody know any upcoming weddings for me to crash?
Saw 2: You need to see the first Saw in order for this on to make sense, but it a good movie...it's interesting in that you are scared and trying to think it through at the same.
Equilibrium: Better than The Matrix. Need I say more?
This morning I preached my first real sermon. 'Twas amazing...sure it was a little short, and sure I left a few loose ends and was a little disorganized, and sure I looked at my notes far too much, but interestingly enough...I felt the Spirit move as I spoke, making a crappy sermon an ok one.