California Knows How To Party Part 2...

Jun 25, 2006 01:27

Tuesday In California

Had a good sleep. Woke up in the afternoon. Milan and I ate Honey Bunches of Oates. And that shit was good...reeeeeal good. Watched some soccer, why the hell did Mexico lose ahhhh!!!  Checked the comp and listned to Wolfmother, which rocked...hard...hard. Talked some stuff with Pilar and Rachael. Watched Interp...I mean She Wants Revenge on CDUSA with Milan. And continued to sing that song for the rest of the afternoon. Was going to "An Inconvienent Truth"...but didn't...too tired. Met some more family and a baby it was nice. Talked to Dana, hang out we will. South Park and Mr. Jefferson messed up indeed. Watched Cleo play some Sims one of her babies grew up. *tear* Chillin with Milan now listening to Panic! Movie premires and party tommorow, I'm excited and scuuured. It'll be cool I'm sure haha! Keep you updated! Till later y'all!

Your Epic Hero,
The Orange Cat

P.S. Did I mention that Pilar and Rachael rock? Just checking.
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