"Gra-jew-asion" Day Por Mi Hermano! (Pronunciation folks!)/ Semester in Review!

May 20, 2006 00:40

Well folks here we are again. And similarly like my last major post it’s been a while. And once again the main reason as to why school took up mucho time. It paid off though as my grades kicked some serious ass this semester, so damn happy!!! Ok big reason I wanted to write a new entry is that my brother is graduating high school tomorrow…and I’m flippin the hell out. It hit me today as I was vacuuming my living room that this is the same little kid I used to play action figures and Power Rangers with, now he’s leaving high school growing up…shit I feel really old now. I’m proud of him and hope that college will be a lot of fun for him. I remember thinking it was cool when we started going to middle school together, now it’s freakin college blaaahhhhh…anybody else experiencing this because it is really really weird haha! So what else…ahhh how could I forget the semester in review. Well here are the highlights…

-Finally discovering my wing and getting to know all the awesome amazing people who lived there, also my roommate kicked major ass! we were all pretty bummed when we left

- Some really cool classes that I was actually interested in-Major kick ass-ness with the UAB film committee we played some damn good movies and watching the Tennenbaums on the big screen with the film print was sublime

- Ninjas of 4 Mo movie I made with Jesse was one of the greatest experiences ever and I popped it into the Manzi-Mo film festival which went rather well

- Mini Dance party at the 4-1-1!

-Some really great movies along the way Brick (amazing!!!) Kinky Boots, Hard Candy, American Dreamz, Slither, V for Vendetta, Mission Impossible III yay for the indies man!

- Attempting to work on my next movie, and while it has been really frustrating I’m hoping to get a serious move on

- Going with Nick to Scottsdale to visit Mark and Ashley, then to the lake, and getting lost on the way back home ahhhhh!!!

- Allen’s surprise b-day party was mucho fun as I got to chill and talk shop with some friends

- Mark, Nick, and Ashley coming to the dorm to give me b-day presents soooo awesome and kick ass!

If I can think of anymore I’ll post ‘em heh. Anyways mucho to do and hopefully accomplish over the summer, I’ll hopefully keep updating if wanna keep reading, have a good ones peeps, and take this moment to reflect on everything that had lead you to this moment. It’s been a lot huh? Growing up is craziness haha! Till later folks.

P.S. That 70's Show ended yesterday...*tear*...it was pretty good. Oh and a friend from the wing got me Arrested Development and I'm freakin hooked, I can't stop watching!!!

Your Epic Hero,

The Orange Cat
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