Livin' it up. Livin' it up part 1

Sep 24, 2005 15:02

Hey folks! Haven’t heard from me in a while, miss me? Well the title can help to give you a good reason as to why my posts haven’t been as frequent. But don’t let it fool you I haven’t been party crazy as of late just homework and school crazy *blaahhhhh* lame huh? Classes have been a pain in the ass and school is just very frustrating right now. So what else have I been up too? Well some of the good events that have happened…

-    Chilled with Otto and Nick for a kick ass foreign movie night and watched Oldboy, from Korea, Mean Machine, from Britain, and KONTROLL, from Budapest. Kontroll was amazing and the guys loved it too! Strike one up for kick ass foreign films. That same night we decided to play some pranks on a certain ex-military man but ended up losing our best prank in the process. Damn poster!!!
-    Saw Elizabethtown for free before it even came out in theatres a couple weeks ago too. It was pretty good, a rough cut but pretty good. We got to do a survey afterward it was pretty awesome. The official theatrical cut comes out October 14th check it out.
-    Chilled with Otto and Eliza and saw Vanilla Sky another Cameron Crowe flick and just some amazing movie! The original is awesome and this one does it serious justice.
-    Last Friday Ray came over and chilled in the dorm it was kick ass. Played pranks on the Taco Bell guy, stayed up late, and went to Denny’s in the morning! We rented Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, which I felt kicked more ass the 2nd time than the first, and Kontroll, which we unfortunately weren’t able to watch.
-    Saw Transporter 2 with Amanda, Mark, Nick, Ashley and her friend Janelle (sp?) last weekend, unfortunately it royally sucked major ass. Disappointing indeed.
-    Last Sunday watched Stir Crazy with Nick and Chris. Had work and realized I had a paper due on Monday for my Indiv class, bummer.
-    Late at night last week me, Otto and Chris went to the cheapies and saw Mr. and Mrs. Smith Chris and Otto haven’t seen it so it was mucho fun.
-    Helped Allen with his Media Arts project and held a successful Office Space Movie night for UABFilms our next movie is gonna kick sooooo much ass so you gotta come.
-    UATV got to interview Vince Vaughn for work it was awesome and he said some pretty motivating things for young filmmakers/ actors, which was really cool.
-    My uncle allowed me the opportunity to check out the teaser trailer for his new movie…kick ass!!!
-    Had my first midterm yesterday for The Physical Universe. Ahhhhhhhh what the hell it isn’t even the midterm time frame yet!!!! Once again school you frustrate me.
-    I finally got a new roommate after 4 weeks of not having one. He’s pretty cool but sadly, and most ironically, he’s from Boston and is a big fan ahhhhhhh Go Yankees!!! Haha major déjà vu, just like last year haha.
-    Auditioned for Charles Darwin again. I think I did alright I felt pretty good afterwards. Didn’t get called back though, bummer but since I’ve got a lot of stuff lined up I guess it worked out. Thanks to Chris and Otto for the motivation, if it weren’t for them I wouldn’t have gone and gave it my all!
-    Nick and I are almost done with the film! We are so excited just some polishing and some voiceovers. And hopefully we’ll have it done soon!!!
-    Went to visit the lovely Monica for her 20th Birthday Party yesterday! Congrats Monica, live it up!!! It was cool chillin with Jody and Chris; I saw Laura and some other peeps too.

So that’s pretty much how things have been rolling as of late. Busy, entertaining, and a tad frustrating. Hopefully I can start getting in the groove of things soon, because school is pissing me off so much. I don’t know. And hopefully my media arts class can get better too cause it stinks that it’s not as fun as last year haha. It was cool chillin with Stephanie the other day though. Well I got a Mis-En-Scene project, forgotten Physical Universe homework, and a movie to finish. Have great weekends folks have fun and be safe! Till next time y’all!

Your Epic Hero,
The Orange Cat

P.S. Ummm saw The Corpse Bride with Nick yesterday…okay amazing haha sooo good see it everybody! Ohhh and everybody who hasn’t already check this kick ass band on Myspace pleaseeeee! They’ll totally rock your pants off…I’m not even joking…I’m making such a serious face right now…haha. Ok later dudes and dudettes.

Current Music: Oasis- What’s the Story Morning Glory (album)
Peter Gabriel- In Your Eyes
The Postal Service- Give Up (album)

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