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Jun 06, 2005 14:08

Ok just wondering is summer supposed to be a bit boring?

So far summer isn’t exactly the most fun thing in the world. I constantly find myself incredibly bored and oddly hungry a lot of the time. So what’s new, what’s new?...Ahh Saturday I went to the movies with Chris, Matt, and good ol’ Nick. We saw this flick I’ve wanted to check out for a little while called Layer Cake, very good I suggest you see it, if you like British Crime capers. Afterwards we all went to the Grill to chill, heh that rhymed…sorry I’m lame like that, and talked about movies and philosophy and the whatnot. Kevin later joined the fun fest and it was very good time. When we finished we decided to walk down downtown and 4th Avenue, which turned out to be surprisingly busy for 1 o’clock in the morning. Some dorky frat dude tried messing with a bouncer and some other guys were trying to promote their new hip hop cd which was cool. When we finished our venture we decided to drive around with Matt in his cowboy hat and me in a giant sombrero. Sunday turned out to be a major bummer, I was supposed to hang out with my cousin and a friend but the plans just fell apart and they are leaving tomorrow, some serious lameness. Last week I hung out with Alex and Chris. Alex had some incredible odyssey to get to my house, it was quite funny. And even after she picked me up we still ended up driving to all these random places. But I think it was due to her telling me about House of Wax and the Injun Joe wax-man. We picked up Chris and drove to Something Sweet where we just had some delicious sweet-stuff. Afterwards we went to University Blvd. where we walked around to see that everyplace was alive but that we couldn’t go to a single because guess what…they’re all bars! Freakin Tucson has like no places you can go after 10 unless you’re 21 and over. We ended up walking all the way down to 4th Avenue and Chris took a bunch of pics with his kick ass new digital camera. When we were done with that we went back to University where Chris wanted to show us all his pictures. ***Whoa can I just say that that last sentence just had a whole bunch of alliteration, ok sorry***So Chris drove me home and chilled at my place for like a couple hours where we had funny talks with my bro and watched hilarious soccer saves, good times! Ok if you don’t know Chris is leaving for Africa soon for a little while and I think it would be cool if guys could all wish him good luck, I think he’d really appreciate it. He’s gonna have a good time! I’ll miss ya buddy, be safe! Ok so hopefully I’m going out doing something tonight, I need to haha. Oh nostalgia trip, I was flippin channels the other day and freakin Hackers and Can’t Hardly Wait came on it was like holy shit, middle school time! Aissa, do you remember how much we used to talk about those movies??? Well I best be going my little brother just broke my cell phone ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Hope you are all doing well and have an awesome rest of the day. Peace y’all.

Your Epic Hero,

The Orange Cat

Current Music: Ben Folds Five- Selfless, Cold, and Composed; Whatever and Ever Amen (album)

Pepper- Give It Up

311- Beautiful Disaster (Talk about old school haha)
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