Aug 20, 2004 00:27
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeloo........ wow! i feel like a nomad!.. this is the first time im actually home since either monday or tuesday.
Steve had is surgery at st. johns hospital on wed. :( i slept over his mom's house w/ him tuesday so we can levae early wed. morning. so we got there and while we were walking to the operating floor.... some random guy nurse came up to steve, shook his hand and was like ' rock n roll dude!' lol like...ooook. it was funny because i was waiting in his room hrs later waiting for them to bring him back up from recovery room and the guy was the nurse that wheeles him in on the stretcher and handed me a paper w/ 'rock n roll websites' lol... crazy people. yeeeep so when they put him in recovery the dr. came to me n his mom and told us there was a lil complication w/ the left ear :(... how much doe sthat suck ass.
newho... ive been staying w/ him all week, trying to make him comfy as i can. im nurse Boohbah!!!!!!! hehe
yea so i haveny been in my bed all week. ive been everyone but home. this is the first time im sleeping at home for a week.... and im going upstate on sat and staying up there, then im leaving for jersey lol
... o yea!!! me, Steve, n my mama r going to hawaii in december!!! :D yayayayayay!!!!!!!!!
im tired nite nite!!!