Humble beginings

May 22, 2007 09:05

So today see's me start to try and rediscover the figure and fitness, I discover,that I was some what proud of.
I think I'll keep a record on here of what I do for a few reasons
1. So I can see what improvement show over time.
2. To encourage others to start and/or join me.
3. To show off a bit I guess. (I'll cut it though as I doubt you'll all care.)

Left Leenee's at 7.15am.
Ran most of the way to the Glossop View park.
Decided to get gloves before grabbing hold of cold metal bars.
Ran to my house(sorted laundry)
Ran to bottom of rampart road.
Got a stitch.
Walked to Hyde Park Corner.
Did 5 pull ups and traversed the monkey bars in the playground.
Walked to the bottom of the path at  the top of Brudnell road.
DId 5 trees of tree training.
Walked to bowling green.
Over back fence on to the path by the twin rings bars.
Ran to Henry Price.
Ran length of Henry Price at the back .
Walked to back of mausoleum building in St. Georges field.
Put some bottoles in the bin.
Did 5 pullups.
Ran to Sally Magillis bench.
Did 5 push ups.
10 crunches.
5 overhanging situps.
5 pushups.
Walked to Eldon.
Ran to bottom of Path opposite Brickies.

Walked to bottom of my street.
Ran to door.
Picked up laundry and got breath back.
Ran to Leenee's.I Feel quite accomplished and empowered for having made a start.
Though it has highlighted just how unfit I've become.
Don't get me wrong I know I'm not that fat or that unfit
Just the fatest and unfitest I've ever been.
11 stone may not seem like a lot to some but when you've never gone over 10 stone in 31 years it is a personal big deal.
And I used to run solidly fo an hour without having to stop.
I used to go in a straight line from the bottom of rib cage to groin and now it's rounded.
These are the things I want back.

Think I may stop smoking for a little while too just to try and get back a little lung capacity.
Wish me luck and take care everyone.
Love and lollipops.  xxxx
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