I see dead people.

Jan 16, 2007 16:46

Or one at least.
For those that knew her, my grandma has died.
I have managed to piss off most of my relatives on that side of the family by trying to be upbeat as she would have wanted, when all they want to do is sit around and mither, cry and blame everyone and everything other than the fact that she was 75 and did a paper round.
I have also successfully fallen out with my dad, soon to be my uncle, as he has turned into a spineless pussy whipped whelp with no apparent concern or thought to the considerations of his children. Thusly I won't be attending the wedding at which I become my own cousin.
This also means I now have no where I can feel comfatable to stay but have to wait here for the funeral.
Important point to come in a second post as not many of you will get to the bottom of this one.
That is not all.
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