Not to plan but ace none the less

Nov 13, 2006 11:16

Due to a critical economic failure and bean bags my weekend instead went, Frankie, post Frankie glass of wine with the old people, sleep (arghh) Pub culture, Nandos and then Owens AV night thing (both courtesy of Claire), home, A Razz and Jools wake up call at 6 Sunday morning(Which was amazing), chatting till 11 then a Mum, a Grandma, a Claire and I went and played in town with children and eating at Ma Potters (courtesy of Granny), drop off kids, then a snuggly evening of duvet, tv, and working on our various projects with Claire Sunday evening.
Now back at work and in the cold with the wolves.
Coming next post I shall describe these varied events in more detail , while attempting to remember how to do lj cut tags and various other html bollox.
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